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Practice Lessons We have succeeded in putting through the deal of five hundred tons of canned mushroom. The price you quoted being found workable, we have cabled you our acceptance. 我们成功地达成了500吨蘑菇罐头的交易。 我们认为你所报价格可行,因此已去电表示接受。 Practice Lessons We have cabled our confirmation of your order and you are requested to open the L/C as soon as possible. Please accept our offer and confirm the above-mentioned terms immediately. 我方已去电接受你方订单,望尽快开立信用证。 请立即接受我方报盘并确认上述条款。 兹高兴地确认按照下列条款买进你方29英寸东芝彩色电视机2000台: 2000台29英寸东芝彩色电视机, 大连成本、保险家运费价每台…美元,木箱装,每箱装4台。收到信用证一周内,从横滨运至大连。 请特别注意货物的包装,以免货物在运输途中受损。 我们现在正在洽办开信用证,在接到你方确认书后,即可开出以你方为受益人的信用证。 谨上, 2006年8月20日 III. Translate the following letter into English: Practice Lessons Practice Lessons Aug.20, 2006 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm having purchased from you 2000 sets of Toshiba Color TV 29 inches under the following terms and conditions: 2000 sets of Toshiba Color TV 29 inches, at US$… CIF Dalian, packed in wooden cases, each containing 4 sets, shipment from Yokohama to Dalian within a week after receipt of the relative L/C. Practice Lessons We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods, lest the goods should be damaged during transit. We are now arranging the establishment of the L/C, which will be opened in your favor upon receipt of your Sales Confirmation. Yours faithfully, As a of our endeavour, we have obtained supplies for you. We confirm our purchase ______ you 1000 dozen of Alarm Clocks US$9.50 dozen CIF Vancouver export packing. Practice Lessons We appreciate your cooperation and trust the shipment will prove ______ your entire satisfaction. Filling the missing words : We confirm the sale to you of 200 tons Green Beans resulting _______cables exchanged. We confi


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