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国内法优先说源自于黑格尔“国家至上”的观念,认为国家依据其主权可以随意解除其国际义务。这种学说推至极端导致了第一次世界大战的爆发,经过两次世界大战之后,该学说失去了影响力。 2)国际法优先说international law precedes state law 这种学说认为国际法与国内法同处一个体系,国际法处于金字塔最高处,其效力高于国内法(包括宪法)。纯粹法学派创始人,奥地利学者凯尔森是其代表。凯尔森认为,下位法的效力来自与上位法,国内法律的效力来源于宪法,而宪法的效力来自于国际法,而国际法的效力来自于“约定必须遵守”。 ′ ′ H. Kelsen (1896-1973) By contrast with the monists above mentioned, some scholars, such as Kelson, maintain that though international law and state law belong to the same legal system, however the primacy resides in international law but not in state law.   奥地利学者凯尔森、菲德罗斯,法国学者狄骥、波利提斯和英国学者劳特派特,美国学者杰赛普。   正确理解和阐释的国际法优先说是符合实际的,有利于国际和平与发展的。它能够解释一个符合国内法而违背国际法的行为何应当承担国际责任。但是,强调国际法的优先地位不能否定或取消国家主权。 ′ ′ 3.国际法主要是国家之间而不是国家之上的法律 International law originated and developed just from the demand of the States’ mutual communication, so it is the law between them, but not over the them. International law is the law recognized by all the States. 与国内法作为法律主体“之上”的法律的性质是不同的。 ⑴ 国际法是国际法主体主要是国家以协议的方式制定的,国际社会没有普遍的像国内那样的立法机关来制定法律。 ⑵ 国际法主要依靠国家单独或集体的强制力量保证实施,没有普遍的如同国内法那样的执行机关。 ⑶国际法上的争端主要依靠国家自愿选择的方式来解决,国际社会还没有普遍性的像国内那样的具有强制管辖权的司法机关。 The legislators, executors and the subjects of international law are also mainly states, international organizations and some state-like political entities . The enforcement of judgment of international tribunals are depended on States observance. 4.国际法是有法律拘束力的行为规范 “International law is really a form of law”? “Is it a true law”? Questions like these always arise the moment international law is mentioned. In fact, these questions are loosely related to the nature of international law. ( “国际法是法律吗?它是真正的法律吗?”) 怀疑国际法法律属性的原因: (1)there is no official and supreme lawmaking authority in the international society; (2) they think that international law cant be enforced in the way as the criminal law is carried out domestically. (1). International society has its demand for norms, rules and principles to maintain a stable international social order; (2). The international society has i


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