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摘 要 本论文所研究的题目是JWB100滚珠丝杠升降机结构设计。主要是对蜗轮蜗 杆、蜗轮丝杠的传动部分进行设计,以丝杠、蜗杆、蜗轮为主要的研究对象, 对其工作受力性,材料的强度、刚度、韧性和散热性等进行了分析,并以升降 机装置的使用特点及用途出发,确定了以蜗轮蜗杆、蜗轮丝杠两种传动装置为 主要传动的设计方案,制定了蜗轮、蜗杆、丝杠之间的结构设计。 完成结构设计后,用画图辅助工具Auto CAD绘制了3张A 图纸,清楚地表 0 达了JWB100滚珠丝杠升降机的结构特点和使用性能。 设计的蜗轮丝杆升降机即可以单台使用,也可以组合使用。能按一定程序 准确地控制调整提升或推进的高度,可以用电动机或其他动力直接带动,也可 以手动。它有不同的结构形式和装配形式,该装置可以自锁。广泛应用于机械、 冶金、建筑、水利设备等行业,具有结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、动力源广泛、 无噪音、安装方便、使用灵活、功能多、配套形式多、可靠性高、使用寿命长 等许多优点。 关键词:升降机;丝杠;蜗轮;蜗杆 I Abstract Thepaper studies on the topic of JWB100Ball screw elevator design.Mainly on theworm gear,worm gear screw transmissionpartsofthe design,with the lead screw, worm, worm gear as the main research object, its work force, material strength, stiffness, toughness and thermal performance were analyzed, and the lift device characteristics and use, to determine the worm gear, worm screw two transmission devices as the main transmission design, developed a worm gear, worm, screw betweenthe structural design. To complete the structure design, drawing auxiliary tool for drawingAuto CAD 3A0drawings,clear expression ofthe JWB100Ball screw lift structurecharacteristics andperformance. Design of the worm screw lift that can be used in single machine, also can be used in combination. According to certain procedures to accurately control the restructuring to enhance or promoteheight, can be used to directly drive the motor or other power,and can alsomanually.It hasdifferent formsof structureand form ofthe assembly, the device can lock. Widely used in machinery, metallurgy, construction, water conservancy facilities and other industries, has the advantages of compact structure, small volume, light weight, wide range of power, no noise, convenient installation, flexible use, multiple functions, supporting fo


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