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成大中文學報 第四十六期 2014 年 9 月 頁 215-244 國立成功大學中文系 從 「主題─評論 」觀點 分析古典詩篇章結構 吳瑾瑋* 摘 要 本文從「主題─評論」觀點分析古典詩的篇章結構。「主題─評論」的分析觀點 在口語、詩歌的篇章結構皆有重要的作用。透過主題與評論可以統領句群,進而組 成有層次的篇章結構。古典詩創作講究用韻和諧與用字精鍊,並要結構完整,始能 言短情長。主題本不限於動詞之相關論元,因此移前作為主題的成分,點出與詩旨 相關訊息,也因對仗而有對比效果;主題串的運用和省略在篇章中有連貫的功能; 古典詩中重字的使用作為主題或評論者,則有聯繫前後的功能;古典詩除了詩人為 大主題外,還有不同層次、不同內涵的次主題或主題串,皆有其不同的作用,因此, 透過「主題─評論」的觀點分布,結合音韻策略用字句式等,更能掌握全詩之篇章 結構。 關鍵詞:主題─評論、古典詩、頂真、篇章結構 * 國立臺灣師範大學國文系副教授。 215 成 大 中 文 學 報 第 四 十 六 期 An Analysis on the Text Structure of the Chinese Classical Poems: from the Perspective of Topic-Comment Wu Chin-Wei Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University Abstract This paper analyzed the text structure of the Chinese classical poems in the topic-comment framework. Topic refers to the old information, and comment refers to the new information. Several sentences are governed by the same topic in a paraphrase. The topics are most frequently found at the beginning of the poetic lines. In the classical poems, both the sub/object and time/location nouns could pair up with topics to have a contrastive meaning. There are several strategies to analyze the text structures of the poems: the identical phonological rime structures in every other lines; the topic chain occurred in the following lines; and through the same words/phrases occurred in different lines to concatenate the paraphrases. Through the distribution of topics and comments, the hierarchical text structures of the poems could be analyzed bett


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