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TOEFL WRITING MATERIALS BY TONY All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written statement of the author. 综合写作 一、题型分析 1、要点分析 时间:在新托福写作考试的前二十分钟进行,虽然写作是新托福考试的最终部分,但万万不可掉以轻心,否则自毁长城,前功尽弃。 工具:新托福写作只有键盘输入一种选择,打字速度慢者吃亏不少。建议考生熟练操作键盘,提高打字速度并减少打字错误。 字数:有明确要求,150~225字。建议考生平常练习时利用word工具,计算文章字数,做到心中有数。 文体:正规书面文体。不可使用诸如“doesn’t”等非正规文体和口语词汇,可模仿阅读中的遣词造句。 题目:共分三个部分,阅读,听力,写作。 2、评分标准 5 A response at this level Effectively addresses the task by conveying relevant information from the lecture; and accurately relates key information from the lecture to information in the reading; and Is well organized and coherent; and Contains appropriate grammar and vocabulary, with only occasional minor language errors. 文章切题,包含听力中的相关信息;将听力主要信息与阅读材料信息准确对应;段落组织有序,衔接紧密;用词确切,语法规范,有少量拼写错误 4 A response at this level Generally conveys relevant information from the lecture, but may have minor omissions; and Is generally good in relating information from the lecture to information in the reading, but may have minor inaccuracies or vagueness of some content or connections among ideas; and Is generally well organized; and Contains appropriate grammar and vocabulary, but may have noticeable minor language errors or occasional lack of clarity. 文章基本切题,基本包含了听力中的相关信息,但有少许遗漏;信息组织基本合理,但有少许不准确之处或某些内容或观点间的衔接不清晰;段落组织基本有序;用词确切,语法规范,有明显的拼写错误或偶尔表述不清。 3 A response at this level Contains some relevant information from the lecture, but may omit one key point; or Conveys some connections between the lecture and the reading, but some content or connections among ideas may be incomplete, inaccurate, or vague; or Contains errors in grammar or usage that result in vagueness of some content or connections among ideas 包含了听力中的某些相关信息,但遗漏了一个要点;阐述了听力与阅读的某些联系,但某些内容或观点间的联系不完整,不准确或含糊不清;包含语法错误影响了某些内容或观点间联系的表达 2 A response at this level Contains some relevant information from the lecture, but may have significant omissions or inaccuracies of key points; o


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