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摘要 柿子酒,也就是由柿子经过加工做成的酒,其酒精度一般为5-10度,最高可达14度。经过加工的柿子酒,水果营养成分完全溶解在果酒里面了,不仅含有丰富的维生素和人体所需的氨基酸,比如柿子酒里含有大量的多酚,可以起到抑制脂肪在人体中堆积的作用,使人不容易积累脂肪和赘肉,而且还有生津止渴、润肺和补肝安神的效果,长喝有益健康。 目前,我国市场上还没有真正过关的柿子果酒,能生产与葡萄酒水平相当的柿子果酒的国家,现在只有日本等少数国家。我国柿果资源丰富,柿树种植面积和柿果产量均居世界首位,具备规模化生产柿子果酒的原料供给条件。本项目采用了先进的柿果脱涩技术,大大提高了产品的质量和口感,因此在果酒市场上更具竞争力。目前,我国粮食酒的消费量正在逐年减少,而果酒的年消费量却正以15%的速度递增。因此,发展柿子酒市场前景十分广阔。因此,柿子发酵果酒具有良好的开发前景。 关键词:柿子;果酒;发酵 Abstacts Persimmon wine, also is processed by persimmon made of wine, its general alc for 5-10 degrees and tiptop was 14 degrees. Processed persimmon wine, fruit wine nutrients is completely dissolved in the inside, not only contain rich vitamin and amino acids required in the human body, such as persimmon wine contains a lot of polyphenols, can rise to inhibit fat in the body, make the person the role of accumulation of fat and not easy, but also the bulge promote the secretion, embellish lung and liver sedative effects, for a long drink are beneficial to health. At present, our country market hasnt really pass the persimmon fruit, can produce the same level with wine country, now ratafia persimmon only Japan and other a few countries. Our persimmon fruit abundant resources, planting area and persimmon fruit laro production are the highest in the world, with large-scale production persimmon ratafia material supply conditions. The project adopts the advanced persimmon fruit TuoSe technology, greatly improving the quality of the products and taste wine market, therefore in the competitive power. At present, Chinas grain alcohol consumption is gradually declined, and wine with annual consumption are increasing at the rate of 15%. Therefore, the development of persimmon wine market prospect. Therefore, persimmon fermentation with good wine and development prospects. Keywords: persimmon; Wine; fermentation 前言 果酒是以水果为原料经过发酵而成的低度饮料酒,富含糖、有机酸、醋类及多种维生素, 特别是葡萄酒、刺梨酒,含量高,含有丰富的具有增强免疫功能的SOD。我国地域辽阔,果树种类繁多,然而,由于鲜果市场日趋饱和或呈过饱和状态,对其进行加工升值和寻求水果新出路已成了函待解决的首要问题。酒类产品有很广阔的市场,果酒因其营养丰富、酒度低、节约粮食,更是酿酒行业发


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