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The National Flag Body Language and Non-verbal Communication Corporate Culture and Negotiation Style Gift-giving Reminders * * Portrait of the People Home to nearly five million immigrants from 160 countries, Australia is rich in cultural diversity. Australians, or Aussies, enjoy an easy-going lifestyle and are generally friendly and relaxed. Modesty and equality are valued. Canberra, located in ACT, is the capital of Australia. The Parliament议会大楼 Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 12 Disciples at the Great Ocean Road 大洋路的十二门徒 Barrie Reef 大堡焦 Ayers 位于澳洲中心地带的艾尔斯山 Meeting and Greeting Formalities l????? Shake hands with everyone present upon meeting and before leaving. Allow women to offer their hands first. l????? Women generally do not shake hands with other women. l????? Use titles, Mr., Mrs., and Miss when first introduced. l????? Australians generally move to a first-name basis quickly. Still, wait to use first names until invited to do so. l????? Academic or job-related titles are downplayed. To beckon a waiter use a quiet hand motion. When yawning, cover your mouth and excuse yourself. Winking at women is considered rude. The V sign (made with index and middle fingers, palm facing inward) is a very vulgar gesture. The thumbs up gesture is also considered obscene. l????? Personal relationships are important in the     Australian business world. Connections are valued.   An introduction by an established representative   may be helpful in establishing a relationship with     an Australian firm. l????? Australians take punctuality seriously. If possible,   arrive fifteen minutes early for a business meeting. l????? Australian businesspeople tend to be pragmatic,   efficient and profit-oriented. They appreciate   straight-forward, open presentations. l????? Australians will quickly get down to business.     Communications will be direct, good-humored and     to the point. Australians dislike one-upmanship. Don’t overplay    qual


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