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摘 要 火力发电机组发生水击时, 会对电厂的安全生产构成严重威胁。根据水击发生的原因及其现象, 采取适当运行技术措施, 避免或减小水击的危害, 保证火力发电厂汽水系统的安全运行具有重要意义。 本文概述了火力发电机组中的水击现象。首先介绍了水击现象的基本内容,水击现象的危害,研究水击的目的意义及水击现象的研究现状。然后简单介绍了水击理论。主要内容有水击的物理过程、水击压力的确定、水击基本方程、简化的水击计算基本方程、基本计算方法等。本文着重论述了火力发电机组中蒸汽管道、锅筒内、给水管道内、省煤器内、锅炉(汽包)放水管、分汽缸、蒸锅及加热器等主要部位的水击现象的产生原因,发生水击时的特征,通过详细的原因分析,得出具体的解决方案,避免发生重大事故和损失。最后对电厂中管路系统中的水击防护措施进行了介绍,主要以安装水击防护装置、优化运行操作、合理布置管道等方面进行了介绍。 关键词:火电机组;管道;水击;防护措施 Abstract When water hammer occurs in the thermal power plant units, the plant will be subject to a serious threat to safety. According to the causes and phenomenon of water hammer , appropriate technical measures should be taken, to avoid or reduce the danger of water hammer and ensure the safe operation of power plant water system. This article summarizes the water hammer phenomenon in the thermal power generating units. First it introduces the basic elements and harms of water hammer, ehemeaning of studying water hammer and the situation of study. It then introduces the theory of water hammer. The main content is the physical process of water hammer, water hammer pressure, the basic equation and calculation of a simplified basic equations of water hammer, the basic calculation methods. This article focuses on the water hammer phenomenon and the characteristics of the steam pipe, boiler tube, water pipes, economizer, the boiler (drum) release pipe, sub-cylinder, steam cookers and heaters and other major parts. Through a detailed analysis concrete solutions are got to avoid major accidents and losses. Finally, the power plant pipe system water hammer protection measures were introduced, about to installing water hammer protective devices, optimization to running operations, a reasonable layout of pipes, etc. Keywords: thermal power plant wnit; pipeline; water hammer; protective measures 目 录 绪论 1 0.1 水击的基本概念 1 0.1.1 水击现象 1 0.1.2 水击的危害 3 0.2 水击分析的目的和意义及研究的现状与分析方法 3 0.2.1 水击分析的目的和意义 3 0.2.2 水击研究的现状与分析方法 3 第一章 水击理论 6 1.1 水的物理过程 6 1.2 水击压力的确定 7 1.3 水击基本方程 8 1.4 简化的水击计


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