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淮阴第二抽水站初步设计 摘要:南水北调工程是解决我国北方地区水资源严重短缺的重大战略性举措,也是关系到我国社会经济可持续发展的大型基础设施。淮阴东风抽水站的初步设计,是以南水北调东线一期工程为背景,是配合南水北调东线工程中淮安泵站而平行布置的一座泵站,主要担负将淮安泵站提抽的水向北输送。该设计包括主厂房、副厂房、引水渠、出水渠等。本泵站设计有三台机组,所选泵型为3100ZLQ-85,其设计扬程为4.84m,单泵流量为33.3m3/s,转速为150r/min。配套TJ2200—40/3250型电动机,采用直接传动。该泵站采用肘形进水流道、虹吸式出水流道。泵房形式为块基型泵房,该泵房的特点整体性好,抗震能力强适用于立式机组。 该泵站采用110kV架空专用线路从距泵站10km处的变电所接电,泵站设110kV专用变电所。110kV母线在最大运行方式下三相短路容量为1000MVA,最小运行方式下三相短路容量为800MVA。每台电机的功率为2200kW,泵站设计中对主机应用了先进的微机保护.主变压器则用了传统的继电保护。结合泵站的实际情况,主变压器选用两台SL7—6300/110主变。高压开关柜设置在管理处主控室,低压开关柜设置在副站房。 THE PRELIMINARY DESIGNRING OF HUAI YIN THE SECOND PUMPING STATION Abstract: The South-North Water Diversion Project is a great strategic action of solving the water resource of northern area of our country seriously in short, it is the large-scale infrastructure which concerns our countrys social economic sustainable development too。The preliminary designs of HUAI YIN THE SECOND pump station, regard the first stage of the project of east line of South-North Water Diversion as the background .It is built parallel with HUAI AN Pumping Station of the Eastern Route Scheme of South-North Water Diversion Project ,which is an anauxiliary Pumping Station.The main purpose is transporting the water which transported by HUAI AN pump station to the North. This pumping station contains main factory building,auxiliary plant,approach channel,outlet channel and so on. There are three 3100ZLQ-85 vertical axial-flow pumps which diameter is 4.87m,discharge is 33.3m3, rotate speed is 150r/min.Copulate motor is TJ2200-40/3250,direct driving.Design it with bell approach pipe, ,block structure pump building. The design of the veversible in let passage is elbow let passage and the design of the dewatering outlet is siphonic outlet pipe. The form of pump house adopted in pump station is a blockwork structure pump house , the characteristic globality of this pump house is good, antidetonation ability is suitable for the vertical aircrew strongly. There is an expert transf


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