
词词源字典 p.doc

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词词源字典 p

-path suffix used in modern formations to mean one suffering from (a disease or condition), also one versed in (a certain type of treatment), from Gk. -pathes, from pathos suffering (see pathos). -ph- consonantal digraph, now usually representing f, originally the combination used by Romans to represent Gk. letter phi (cognate with Skt. -bh-, Gmc. -b-), which at first was an aspirated p, later the same sound as Ger. -pf-, but by 2c. B.C.E. had become a simple sound made by blowing through the lips (bilabial spirant). Roman f, like modern Eng. f, was dentilabial; by c.400, however, the sounds had become identical and in some Romanic languages (It., Sp.), -ph- regularly was replaced by -f-. This tendency took hold in O.Fr. and M.E., but with the revival of classical learning the words subsequently were altered back to -ph- (except fancy and fantastic), and due to zealousness in this some non-Gk. words in -f- began to appear in -ph-, though these forms generally have not survived. -phagous comb. form meaning eating, feeding on, from Gk. -phagos eater of, from phagein to eat, lit. to have a share of food, from PIE base *bhag- to share out, apportion, to get a share (cf. Skt. bhajati assigns, allots, apportions, enjoys, loves, bhaksati eats, drinks, enjoys, O.C.S. bogatu rich). -phane comb. form meaning having the appearance of, from Gk. -phanes, from phainein to show, phainesthai to appear (see phantasm). -phemia comb. form meaning speech, from Gk. -phemia, from pheme speech, from stem of phemi I speak, cognate with L. fari to speak, fama report, reputation (see fame). -phile via Fr. and L. from Gk. -philos, common suffix in personal names, from philos loving, dear, from philein to love. -philia comb. form meaning friendship, fondness, from Gk. philia affection, from philos loving. -phobe comb. form meaning fearing, from Fr. -phobe, from L. -phobus, from Gk. -phobos fearing, from phobos fear, panic, flight, phobein put to flight, frighten (see phobia). -


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