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英语写作 作文“现状” 1 .教书人的体验:煞费苦心 2 .阅卷人的感受:不知所云 3 .写作人的想法:事倍功半 《十二句作文法》的原则 1、只背句型,不背范文。 2、先写死,后写活。 《十二句作文法》的特点 1、适用性强。 2、模板通用。 3、简便易学。 《十二句作文法》的运用 1、“ 十二句”的字数决定文章的种类。 2 、“ 十二句”的结构决定文章的难度。 《十二句作文法》写作模板 现象解释型 问题解决型 对比选择型 现象解释型 这类命题要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释, 并加以评论。 特点: 第一段:描述现象; 第二段:分析或阐述这种现象或存在的原因; 第三段:提出建议或总结观点。 现象解释型模板 首段(描述现象A) ① Nowadays, with the reform of (现象的背景), (描述现象) . ② This phenomenon has been brought into public focus and called for further concern. 1) Be brought into public focus :引起人们的关注 2) call for 要求、需要 现象解释型模板 首段(描述现象 B) ① In recent years, wherever you go, (描述现象) . ② This issue has aroused the greatest concern. Arouse the greatest concern: 引起极大关注 现象解释型模板 首段(描述现象C) ① Currently, along with the advance of the society, an important issue that (描述现象) is brought to our attention. ② Consequently, (概况描述现象产生的结果). Be brought to our attention:引起了我们的注意 现象解释型模板 中间段(分析现象 A) ③ Just as what has happened to anything in the world, many factors lead to . ④ On one hand, . ⑤ ____. ⑥ On the other hand, . ⑦ . ⑧What’s more, . ⑨ ______. ⑩ Our list of contributors could go on, but the foregoing ones are already enough to give us a deep insight into the phenomenon. 本模板第3句的空格中应该填上某个需要解释的现象或事件,第4句提出原因I,第6句提出原因Ⅱ,第8句提出原因Ⅲ,第5、第7和第9句对这3个原因进行了进一步论述。 1) Give sb a deep insight into :使、、对、、有了深入解; 2)foregoing:前面提到的(above-mentioned) 3) contributor :促成因素,贡献者 现象解释型模板 中间段(分析现象 B) ③ A number of factors could account for the phenomenon, but the following are the most critical ones. ④ First of all, (原因一). ⑤ What’s more, (原因二). ⑥ In addition, (原因三). Account for 解释 现象解释型模板 结尾段(作者看法+前景展望 A) ⑾ As far as I am concerned, (作者对现象的看法)⑿There is still a long way for us to (促进或限制现象), but as a student myself, I find it rewarding and interesting. Rewarding: 有报酬的、值得做的 现象解释型模板 结尾段(现象产生的结果 B) ⑾ This issue may lead to a number of unfavorable consequences, with the following two the most serio



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