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第41 卷 第5 期 酿 酒 Vol.41. №.5 2 0 1 4 年 9 月 Sep.,2014 LIQUOR MAKING 文章编号:1002- 8110 (2014)05- 0023- 06 葡萄酒香气物质的研究方法进展 熊月丰,吴文惠* (上海海洋大学食品学院,上海 201306) 摘 要:香气是葡萄酒的首要感官质量指标,同时也是评价酒质优劣的关键性指标。葡萄酒香气组成非常复杂, 受很多因素的影响,但是香气物质的种类和含量对葡萄酒的风味起着决定性作用。在葡萄酒香气物质的研究方 法中,仪器分析法可以准确检测和分析葡萄酒中的香气物质组成。感官分析法可以记录葡萄酒对人的主观刺激, 包括感官上的感受及精神层面的愉悦。简单介绍了葡萄酒中的香气及呈香物质,重点综述了仪器分析法和感官 分析法以及它们在葡萄酒香气物质研究中的应用现状,并对其局限性做出了一定的探讨,最后对国内研究中仪 器分析与感官分析的联合应用做出了展望。 关键词:葡萄酒;香气物质;仪器分析;感官分析 中图分类号:TS262.6 ;TS207.3 ;TS201.2 文献标识码: B Current Advances in the Methods of Wine Aroma XIONG Yue-Feng, WU Wen-Hui* (College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China) Abstract: The aroma of the wine is the primary sensory quality indicators, and also the key to evaluate the vinosity.The composition of the aroma is very complicated and is influenced by many factors,but the variety and content of the aroma substance play a decisive role to the flavor of the wine.In the research methods of the wine aroma,instrumental analysis method can accurately detect and analyze the composition of wine aroma .Wine sensory analysis can record on human subjective stimuli, including spiritual feelings and sensory pleasure. This paper briefly describes the aroma and aroma-producing substances, focuses on the summary of instrumental analysis and sensory analysis methods and their application st


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