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质量安全 22 2014 3 粮油食品科技 第 卷 年 第 期 气相色谱法测定植物油中 反式脂肪酸不确定度的评定 , , 丁云连 王琴 薛庆海 ( , 214000) 无锡市产品质量监督检验中心 江苏无锡 : GB / T 22110—2008 《 》 摘 要 参照国家标准 食品中反式脂肪酸的测定气相色谱法 测定植物油中 , 。 反式脂肪酸 对测定结果的不确定度进行了评定 结果表明本实验室能准确测定植物油中反式脂 肪酸, 4 . 2% (K = 2), , 扩展相对不确定度结果为 在整个不确定度中 气相色谱测量结果重复性占总 , , 。 不确定度的比例最大 为今后开展该类项目检测 对其结果准确性的控制提供了技术参考 : ; ; ; 关键词 气相色谱法 植物油 反式脂肪酸 不确定度 中图分类号:TS 225 . 1 ;TS 227 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007 - 7561 (20 14)03 - 0054 - 05 Assessment of uncertainty in determination of trans fatty acids in vegetable oils by gas chromatography DING Yun - lian ,WANG Qin ,XUE Qing - hai (Wuxi Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center ,Wuxi Jiangsu 214000) Abstract :The trans fatty acids in vegetable oils were determined according to the national standard GB / T 22110 - 2008 Determination of trans f atty acids in f ood - Gas chromatograp hic method ,and the uncer- tainty was assessed. The results showed that the trans fatty acids in vegetable oils could be determined ac- curately by the laboratory ,and the extended relative uncertainty of the result was 4 . 2% (K = 2);the re- peatability of the result by gas chromatography was the largest percentage of the total uncertainty ,which provide technical reference for such projects and controlling the accuracy in the future. Key words :gas chrom


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