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摘要 该系统是专门用于用户注册、登录、参加在线考试,以及管理员进行试题录入、修改、删除、成绩查询、管理用户的ASP应用程序。它具有开放性、方便性和灵活性,采用B/S模式设计。试卷全部为客观题,具有用户注册、多用户同时在线考试、动态随机出题、时间控制、自动判卷,试题录入、修改题库、用户管理、科目管理、管理员管理、分数管理等重要功能。 管理员不仅可以轻松地向题库添加、修改和查询试题,而且还可以自动新增科目并建立相应的数据;它还允许用户根据自己的需求,选取考试科目。考生进行有效的身份验证登录后,选择考试科目,并要求在规定的时间内进行答题,当达到规定的时间后,系统将自动予以提示。一旦考生做完交卷后便能立即看到自己的考试成绩,并且其分数将被记入库中以供审核和查阅;另外,还可完全由计算机自动灵活、随机的抽取试题库中的各类试题组成各种形式的试卷,其内容会随着库中试题的改变而改变,而且,不同的考生生成的试题是不同的。用户可以是学校等单位的教师及学生和企事业单位的培训部门(因企事业单位每年要对员工进行素质、安全教育与技能等方面的培训及考试等)。 ABSTRACT This system is an ASP application used exclusively for the users register, logging in, attending the on-line examination, and for the manager proceeding to record test questions, modify, delete, score search, manage users.It is designed by B/S model and has the characteristics of opening,convenience and flexibility.Test paper is all for objective.This system has the important functions of the users register, the multiusers on-line at the same time to examine, the dynamic and random making out questions, time control, judging automatically paper, test questions recording , modifying question storeroom, user management,subject management,category management,administrator management, etc. Administrator can not only easily append,modify and inquire questions in storeroom, but also add automatically the new subject and establish homologous data;It also allows the users to select examination category according to their own needs.After proceeding valid verification registering, the examinee choices examination category and start test in prescriptive time.When attaining prescriptive time,the system will give to a hint automatically.Once the examinee hands in his paper the examination score will be shown immediately,and his score will be recorded into storeroom for checking and inquery;Moreover, the test paper can be made of various questions which are singled out from storeroom by the computer vividly and random.Its contents would change along with the changeses of questions in storeroom.Otherwise


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