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摘 要 LED点阵显示屏是随着计算机及相关的微电子、光电子技术的迅猛发展而形成的一种新型信息显示媒体。它具有可靠性高、使用寿命长、环境适应能力强、性价比高等特点,目前已得到广泛应用。 上位机通讯软件的功能主要是将用户需要显示的信息,方便的发送到下位机使其正确的显示出来。通讯软件使用Visual Basic工具开发,先将用户输入的语句经过一定的处理后逐字提取出字模信息,然后按照下位机通讯协议发送出去。字模的提取是软件的核心,本文主要介绍了从汉字字库中提取字模和利用图片控件逐点扫描两种方法。文章还介绍了通讯控件的使用以及动态效果模拟方案。 设计的最终效果如下:第一,方便的人机对话环境和书写方式。第二,字模能够准确快速的提取。第三,点击发送后下位机状态实时可见。第四,发送成功后动态模拟显示屏当前状态。 关键词:LED显示屏;Visual Basic;上位机 Abstract The new display media—LED dot Matrix display screen was bring about the development of microelectronic and Photoelectron technology. There are many advantages of LED display screen, such as high reliability, longevity, good adaptability and high cost performance. The LED display screen have been applied in various areas. The position machine is used for customs to write sentences conveniently and send information to the LED display screen. The communication software was exploited by Visual Basic, this software first put sentences into variables, then send them to the LED screen according to the agreement. The key is how to get dot matrix from words, this thesis narrated methods to get dot matrix from words and introduced how to use the MSComm object and the method of how to simulate the state of LED screen. The final purpose of this software are as follows: First, provide an convenient environment for the communication between people and computer. Second, get dot matrix easily from words. Third, the state of the lower-end computer can be known anytime from the label object. Fourth, the state of the LED screen can be stimulated on the interface of the soft ware. Keywords: LED display screen; Visual Basic; Upper-computer 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 背景意义 1 1.2 当前现状 1 2 Visual Basic 概述 2 2.1 Visual Basic发展 2 2.2 Visual Basic 的特点 2 2.3 Visual basic中的几个基本概念 4 3 字模提取 6 3.1 从汉字字库提取字模 6 3.2 从picturebox提取字模 7 4 系统设计 9 4.1 人机交互设计 9 4.1.1 写入模块 9 4.1.2 删除模块 11 4.1.3 保存文件模块 13 4.1.4 打开文件模块 14 4.2 通讯程序设计 15 4.2.1 通讯协议 16 4.2.2 MSComm 控件 18 4.2.3 串口通讯介绍 21 4.3 界面设计 24 4.3.1 人机交互界面设计 24 4.3.2 跑屏动态效果演示程序的实现 25 结


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