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摘要: 新媒介环境下对“沉默的螺旋”理论的再思考 李芳,马诺 (沈阳体育学院人文科学系,辽宁 沈阳 110102) 随着信息化大潮的狂飙推进,使人类快速进入一个以互联网兴起为标志的新媒介环境中,新媒介的广泛应用和新技术的迅猛发展,不仅导致媒介环境的变更,与此同时,这些改变反过来也影响到大众传播理论本身。本文运用资料分析、归纳演绎、专家访谈等研究方法,着重论述大众传播效果研究中一个颇为典型的理论——“沉默的螺旋”理论在新媒介环境下所面临的冲击与挑战。具体包括三个层次: 第一,网络传播中人际化与大众化的双向回归对“沉默的螺旋”理论的挑战。 网络兼容了人际传播与大众传播的特点,因此,网络部分消解了大众传播的影响力,使“沉默的螺旋”理论所具有的强大效果趋于弱化。 第二,网络传播异质化特征对“沉默的螺旋”理论的冲击。 网络的虚拟性、融合性、丰富性等特征,给网络受众提供了更公开、自由表述自己观点的广阔平台,使“沉默的螺旋”理论形成的心理机制——“从众心理”和“对孤立的恐惧”受到冲击。 第三,“沉默的螺旋”理论的假设在新媒介环境中发生的变更。 传统“沉默的螺旋”理论,是以五个假设为基础,本文对其逐个予以考察和验证,并得出结论:即该理论产生的五个假设均不同程度受到新媒介环境的挑战而有所变更。 本文通过对“沉默的螺旋”理论的再度思考,从而使这一理论能够适应媒介新的发展变化的要求,丰富和创新了传播学理论的研究内容与体系,并为媒介的实践与经营管理提供了正确的理论依据, 关键词:沉默的螺旋 新媒介环境 再思考 The Public Opinions of the Spiral of Silence in New Style Media Surrounding Li Fang Ma Nuo (Shenyang Sport University Sports humanities sociology Department, LiaoNing, ShenYang, 110102) Along with the informationization flood tides hurricane advancement, this causes the humanity to enter the new style media surrounding, characterized by the prosperity of intranet. The wide application and the rapid development of new technologies concerned with new media lead to the changes of media surrounding which has some effects on the theory of mass media themselves. The paper applies many defining researches, such as material analysis, induction and deduction, fact argument, vertical contrast historically, emphasizes on the challenge the Spiral of Silence will encounter in the new media surrounding. It includes three levels specifically. First, in the network dissemination interpersonal and the popular bidirectional return are right challenge of “the Spiral of Silence”. Network compatible interpersonal dissemination with mass media dissemination characteristic, therefore, the network part dispelled the mass media dissemination influence, causes the formidable affect which “the silence screw” the theory has tends the attenuation. Second, the impact of “the Spiral of Silence” by the network disseminates


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