毕业论文 房地产投资项目风险管理计划研究.doc

毕业论文 房地产投资项目风险管理计划研究.doc

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毕业论文 房地产投资项目风险管理计划研究

房地产投资项目风险管理计划研究 摘 要进入21世纪后,随着我国市场经济的发展及居民消费水平的不断提高,房地产业已成为国民经济中一个十分重要的产业,也是目前人民群众十分关注的消费投资热点。从房地产业本身来讲,它具有投资额度大、投资周期长、风险高等特点。论文首先从房地产投资风险管理的特征与现状出发,论述了房地产项目投资及风险管理概述及其基本特征,论述了房地产投资项目风险影响因素,就各个阶段中各风险因素进行了必要的分析。并对房地产投资项目进行风险识别,对房地产投资产生影响的不确定性因素进行评估。提出了在房地产投资项目中主要的的风险防范方法。继而以金鑫花园项目为案例进行研究,在对项目研究的基础上,结合金鑫花园项目内外部环境及自身的特点,利用风险识别、风险评估等方法,进行市场分析,论述风险管理。论文最后,针对房地产投资不同阶段所存在的主要风险提出不同的风险管理方法,结合金鑫花园房地产投资项目的特点,提出了相应的风险管理目标以及加强投资风险管理以增强房地产投资风险防范的能力。 关键词:房地产;投资风险;风险管理;风险识别;风险应对;金鑫花园 ABSTRACTAfter entering the 21st century, with the development of Chinas market economy and the residents constantly raise the level of consumption, the real estate industry in the national economy has become an important industry, and it is the masses of the people are very concerned about the consumption and investment hot spots. From the real estate itself, in terms of the amount of investment, long investment cycle, higher risk characteristics. Papers from the first real estate investment and risk management features of the status quo, on real estate investment and risk management overview and basic characteristics of the real estate investment projects on the impact of risk factors on the various stages of the risk factors for the necessary analysis . And real estate investment projects to be undertaken to identify risks, the impact of real estate investment uncertainty factors to be evaluated. Made in the real estate investment projects in the main method of risk prevention. Garden and then to Jinxin case study for the project, the project on the basis of research projects with Jinxin Garden external environment and its own characteristics, and use of risk identification, risk assessment methods, to conduct market analysis, on risk management. Papers Finally, the different stages of real estate investment are the main risks to different risk management methods, Jinxin Garden with the characteristics of the real estate investment projects, the corresponding risk-management objectives and the st


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