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毕业论文 ZK帆布鞋营销策划方案 摘 要 帆布鞋在一二线城市竞争激烈,三四线市场潜力巨大,对于ZK帆布鞋鞋来说有很大利润空间。本次营销方案主要目的是打开太原市场,了解市场状况,提高品牌知名度,占领市场。 本文主要对ZK帆布鞋营销策划方案进行分析和研究。本文首先阐述本课题的研究意义和研究背景,从宏观环境(人口环境,经济环境以及政治法律环境)和微观环境(顾客,竞争产品)的角度对营销环境进行了细致分析,然后通过SWOT分析法对其营销策划进行了定性分析,并从市场细分,市场选择以及市场定位对营销战略进行了探究。另外,本文针对营销目标与策略从营销目标,营销策略,价格策略,服务策略以及促销策略进行了探究,最后对其方案进行实施和预算。通过制定销售计划促销ZK帆布鞋,提升ZK帆布鞋在太原地区的影响力,知名度。 关键词:帆布鞋 环境分析 营销战略 策划方案 Abstract Canvas shoes in a competitive second-tier cities, a huge potential market three or four lines, for ZK canvas SHOES is a great profit margins. The marketing program is mainly aimed at opening Taiyuan market, understand the market situation, increase brand awareness, capture the market. This paper focuses on ZK sneakers Marketing Plan analysis and research. This paper describes the significance of the research projects and research background, from the macro environment (demographic environment, economic environment and the political and legal environment) and the micro-environment (customers, competitive products) the perspective of a detailed analysis of the marketing environment, then by SWOT analysis its marketing plan qualitative analysis, and the market segmentation, market selection and market positioning of the marketing strategy has been explored. In addition, this paper marketing objectives and strategies have been explored from marketing objectives, marketing strategy, pricing strategy, service strategy and marketing strategy, and finally implement its program and budget. Sales promotion through the development plan ZK canvas shoes, canvas shoes ZK enhance regional influence in Taiyua Keywords: Canvas shoes Environmental analysis Marketing strategy Planning scheme 目 录 前言 1 1 ZK帆布鞋的营销环境分析 2 1.1 宏观环境分析 2 1.2 微观环境分析 2 2 ZK帆布鞋的SWOT分析 6 2.1 优势 6 2.2 劣势 6 2.3 机会 6 2.4 威胁 6 3 ZK帆布鞋的营销经营战略及策划 7 3.1 市场细分 7 3.2 市场选择 7 3.3 市场定位 8 4 ZK帆布鞋的营销组合策划 9 4.1 营销目标 9 4.2 营销策略 9 4.3 价格策略 10 4.4 服务策略 10 4.5 促销策略 11 5 ZK帆布鞋的促销方案 12 5.1 促销工具选择 12 5.2 促销实施方案 13 6 策划方案费用预算 14


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