the painetd veil《面纱》台词剧本.doc

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the painetd veil《面纱》台词剧本

(面纱)   THE PAINTED VEIL   (中国1925年)   CHINA 1925   (伦敦两年前)   LONDON TWO YEARS EARLIER   你好   Hello.   我 我在想   Say, I was wondering...   什么   What?   我在想您是否愿意赏光陪我跳支舞   Sorry. I was wondering if   youd like to dance?   为什么不呢   Why not?   吉蒂昨晚和你跳舞的年轻男士是谁   Kitty, who was the young man you were   dancing with last night?   哪一个   Which one?   看起来挺安静严肃的那个   The quiet, serious-looking one.   哦他啊   Oh, him.   我猜是你叫他来的吧母亲   I suppose you invited him, Mother.   我不知道你们在说谁   I dont know who youre talking about.   是我请他来的   I invited him.   他叫费恩是个医学博士   His name is Fane and hes a doctor.   他在上海管一个英国政府实验室   He manages a government laboratory   in Shanghai.   公务员?   A civil servant?   不管怎么说   In any case.   他上周日来过我们聊了好长时间   He called round last Sunday,   we had a long chat.   我让他随时可以过来坐坐   I told him to come back anytime.   您很少能看得上我认识的小伙子   Its not often that you like   any of my young men.   那你喜欢他吗   Well, do you like him?   不太喜欢   Not really.   他有什么不好吗?—他爱上你了吗?   - Whats wrong with him?   - Is he in love with you?   我不知道   I dont know.   到了你这个年龄   I should have thought by now   youd know when a   假如有人爱上你你应该会知道   young man was in love with you.   关键是我爱不爱他而我不爱他   The point is whether or not Im in love   with him. And Im not.   小姐你还是小心点   Youd better be careful, young lady.   岁月不饶人的   Time can run out, you know.   唤母亲别说了老实说   Oh, stop it, Mother. Honestly.   不顾自己的感情   The very idea that a woman   should marry   没有任何爱情就嫁人   any Tom, Dick, or Harry...   这种想法简直太落伍了   ...regardless of her own feelings is   simply prehistoric.   你指望你父亲把你养到什么时候   How much longer do you expect your   father to go on supporting you?   唤   Oh.   您好   Hello.   您好   Hello. I...   我我来是   I was just coming...   您的父亲请我过来的   Your father invited me.   我正要出去   Im going out.   我可以陪您去吗   May I join you?   很准时   Right on time.   您到底是做什么工作的   What is it exactly that you do?   我是个细菌学家   Im a bacteriologist.   那一定很有意思  


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