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目 录摘要iAbstractii第一章 绪 言11.1本论文的动机及意义11.2 已有的防伪方案21.3论文的主要工作4第二章 信息安全52.1 对称密码体制52.2 非对称密码体制62.2.1 RSA82.3 哈希函数102.4 认证112.4.1 认证简介122.4.2 密码认证132.5 授权142.6 Oauth协议142.6.1 Oauth产生的背景152.6.2 Oauth的相关术语162.6.3 Oauth认证授权流程17第三章 二维码203.1 二维码简介203.2 QR CODE 介绍223.2.1 QR Code简介223.2.2 QR Code的编码过程233.2.3 QR Code的解码过程26第四章 基于二维码的防伪机制284.1 二维码与物流一体化防伪体制284.2 防伪系统设计294.2.1 物流子系统294.2.2商品防伪子系统324.3 防伪系统的安全模块设计394.4系统实现42参考资料45谢 辞46基于移动终端的二维码商品防伪摘要:市场上假冒伪劣产品的大量存在,是对消费者正当权益的侵犯,也侵犯了产品生产厂商的权益。因此,需要一种便捷的方式进行商品防伪。手机具有随身携带的便捷性,若能把手机的便捷性跟二维码技术结合,就会使得手机二维码防伪具有广阔的市场前景。消费者在手机上安装了防伪软件之后,通过摄像头扫描商品二维码,软件就能自动连接防伪系统,然后系统就给用户返回商品的相关信息。这种方式不需要用户自己手动输入商品防伪序列号,就大大地方便了商品的真伪查询。而且,由于二维码本身的一些特征,比如说,信息储存的容量大,就能编码比一维码更多的信息进去。其次,二维码在设计的时候,就已经做了容错纠错方面的考虑,即使图片磨损面积高达50%,软件也可以进行识别读取。所有的这些特性使得基于移动平台的二维码商品防伪具有巨大的应用价值。关键词:二维码;移动终端;商品防伪Commodity Anti-counterfeiting Based on Two-dimensional Code on Mobile TerminalAbstract:The existence of a large number of fake and shoddy products on the market, is not only a violation of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also a violation of the interests of the manufacturers. Therefore, the market is calling for a convenient way to inquiry the authenticity of commodities. The phone has a carry-on convenience, if make the convenience of the mobile phone in conjunction with the two-dimensional code technology, it could make the phone two-dimensional security code has a broad market prospect. An anti-counterfeiting client is installed on the phone, through camera scanning commodity two-dimensional code, the client will be able to automatically connect the anti-counterfeiting server, then the server will give the anti-counterfeiting information of goods to client. In this way, Consumers does not require enter the serial number of goods for anti-counterfeiting, which will greatly facilitate check the authenticity of the goods. Further, since some of the characteristics of the two-dimensional code, for example, the high information storage capacity, will be able t


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