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策略行销工具箱 Strategic Marketing Tool Box(1) BASIC TOOLKIT 乱流 (Turbulence) 定义:当你经验某种完全无法预知的状况之时,你就会产生乱流。 Definition: experiencing something totally unsettling that you can’t predict. 了解“乱流度”能帮助我们推知产业或消费者,为何产生某种反应,以及如何帮助他们处在比较舒适的乱流 度中。 乱流的来源 (Source of Turbulence) 乱流 (Turbulence) 改变 改变可以帮助我们清楚的思考和分析 企业、组织、或市场的变革 判断和预测改变的结果 “Change” can help us to understand and analyze changes that occur in organisation and in the market. 缺一不可 You can’t do without each one of them 竞争对手无法赶上的竞争优势 这个工具帮助我们思考目前的状况,明天的状况,和未来的状况。提醒我们不要只去思考眼前的问题,也能预留未来胜利的空间和方向 This tool helps us to evaluate where we are today, where will we be tomorrow, and where we will be in the future. It enables us to have a broader view of the whole picture and to march on in a meaningful future direction. 竞争优势 Competitive Edge 策略的意图 想象一个远景 Envisages a desired leadership 计划达成远景的中间步骤 Plans for the interim steps to get there 如此可将组织的注意力放在 “求胜” 的本质上 Focuses the attention of the organisation of the essence of winning 例子 Example 国泰航空不同阶段的意图 策略的意图: Cathay Pacific 九宫格: Urgency / Impact Matrix Th Strategic Issues Matrix is a simple tool for a group use to agree priorities between a number of issues or action proposals. Before rating each item, make sure the owner of the item clarifies it to the group so there are no misunderstandings. The group are invited to call their ratings for both impact and urgency. The score for impact should always be called first then the score for urgency second. The facilitator should start with the marker on 5.5 position. Remember that we are looking for an average of all the calls. Resist the temptation to be overly influenced by the last call or by the call of the most senior person present. Listen for the calls of the most senior person present. Listen for the calls of the quieter members of the group. When there are no more bids, mark the point and move on. When the group is polarised on an issue, mark the minority view as well as the majority view. And give


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