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Terms and Conditions of Purchasing for Production material (Non-Automotive) 生产物料采购条款和条件 (非汽车行业) MANN+HUMMEL (China) Co., Ltd. 曼胡默尔管理(上海)有限公司 1. Relevant Regulations 1. 有关规定 The legal relationships between MANN+HUMMEL (China) 曼胡默尔管理(上海)有限公司(“我方”或“我们”或“买 Co., Ltd. (“we” or “us” or “buyer”) and the Supplier are sub- 方”)与供应商的法律关系受下列条款和条件以及任何其 ject to the following terms and conditions and any other writ- 他书面协议的约束。任何变更和修改必须以书面形式做 ten agreements. Changes and amendments must be made 出。除非本公司明确书面确认,否则相互矛盾的交货条款 in writing. Contradictory terms of delivery shall only apply if expressly acknowledged in writing by our company. We 不适用。我们在此明确反对任何供应商就其一般条款和条 hereby expressly object to any of the Supplier’s notes or 件的有效性和适用性做出说明或引用。 references as to the validity and applicability of his general terms and conditions. 2. Ordering and Order Confirmation 2. 订单和订单确认 2.1 Contracts, orders, agreements or changes must be made in 2.1 合同、订单、协议或变更必须以书面形式做出,方具有约束 writing in order to be binding. The written form shall also be 力。若订单通过传真、电子邮件或数据传输 (电子数据交 deemed complied with if an order is made by fax, email or 换、互联网电子数据交换)做出,则也必须采用书面形式。 data transmission (EDI, Web EDI). Signing on our part shall 无需我方签字。仅经我方事先书面批准,任何与协议和我方 not be required. Deviations from agreements and our orders 订单不符的情况方可生效。 shall be effective only with our prior written approval. 2.2 Acceptance of our order must be confirmed in writing, with 2.2 对我方订单的接受必须以书面形式确认,同时注明我方完整 indication of our complete order data. If the Supplier fails to 的订单数据。如果供应商在收到订单后一周内没有拒绝订 reject the order within one


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