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1896 1920 1987 2006 非洲国家留学生会简介 Africans Foreign Students Association-SJTU Offering you African taste away from Africa 我们是谁 我们向你们致敬!该协会的成员是由来自非洲各国的留学生以及在非洲出生或具有非洲国籍的外国学生组成。 由于每年在上海交通大学来自非洲国家的学生数量日益增加,因此增强非洲学生(非洲后裔)彼此之间以及与当地的中国学者和来自世界各国的其他成员之间的沟通就变得日益重要。 非洲国家留学生会提供了一个共享、互助、增加彼此了解的最佳平台。 非洲国家留学生会也关注成员的个性化、专业化发展,从而使每个人发现最佳的自己。 Who Are We? We salute you all! This association is composed of member students from rich African roots by country, and/or with African affiliates by birth or naturalization. As the number of students from African nations increase day on yearly basis in Shanghai jiao Tong University, need to bridge our social network within ourselves (descendants of Africa), the local Chinese scholars and others from other parts of the world becomes significant. We as members of Africans Students Association-SJTU solemnly believe that this group bring the best platform for sharing, helping one another, and above all understanding each other better. Africans Students Association-SJTU also focuses on the personal and professional development of members to realize the best out of ourselves. 我们可以做什么 我们为我们的成员提供一个体验不同于本国生活的社交平台,同时,还有机会以个人和集体名义发展和奉献自己,成为一个对地方、国家以及国际社会负责任的一员。 我们的协会还计划每月举行会议,并参与各项社交、学术、体育以及文化活动。 What can we do? We provide our member students with a social plateform to experience students life away from our home countries and have an opportunity to develop and contribute, individually and collectively, as a responsible members of the local, national and international community. Our association also plans monthly meetings and involve in activities like social, academic, sports, and culture among others. 我们遵守 学生会在运作过程中,所有部门工作人员以及所有学生会成员都将严格遵守中国的法律法规,上海交通大学的规章制度以及其他相关章程。 我们坚信,这个协会将带来一个更好的相互了解的平台,帮助我们解决一些由于缺乏足够的和适当的沟通渠道所造成的问题。 协会的成立不带任何政治目的,也没有任何宗教、种族以及区域色彩。 Jurisdiction of our group’s operation The operation of the association, its officials in various departments and all its members recognizes the importance of observing and obeying Chinese


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