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航太工程概論 Satellite Control I 衛星控制 I 成功大學 航空太空工程系 何慶雄 2009. 12. 31 個人介紹: 何慶雄 Ching-Shun Ho 學歷 ---  美國 U. of Texas Austin 航太博士 博士研究---  Precision Orbit Determination of GPS Satellites 研究領域 ---  1) Precise Relative Positioning due to Earthquakes 2) Aviation Safety Analysis from Black box 衛星控制總論 Halley‘s Comet 哈雷彗星 ( First Celestial Body with Orbit Information ) “ 牛頓時鐘– 二十年前的推導” “ 牛頓 – 神奇的一年” “ 牛頓 – 關鍵時刻” Halley Comet 哈雷彗星 Last Time Passed Perihelion 1986-2-9 Orbit Information e = 0.9673, a = 17.9564 A.U. Period: T = 2p/n = 27792.5 Days Next Time Passed Perihelion 2062-3-13 Kepler orbit – from Wikipedia Kepler orbit – from Wikipedia 哈雷彗星軌道 – 3D 3D Newtonian State: Pos Vel State Vector Orbit Elements ( see /SiliconValley/2902/orbit.htm ) “ 牛頓時鐘 – 善變的月亮” “ 牛頓時鐘 – 古代的精確” “ 牛頓時鐘 – 心情惡劣的第谷” “ 牛頓時鐘 – 頭痛的牛頓” Hour Angle Computation Problem # 6 of Test #1 Given the positions of 12 constellations in the following figure. Assume Pisces constellation (雙魚座) is located at right ascension = 0 hours with all of constellations have declination = 0 degree. Which constellation will be close to your zenith (頭頂) on May 3: 8pm? Why? (10%) 星座與春分 Hour Angle Computation My Own Formula for Zenith Constellation Zenith: Autumn-21 at Pisces Constellation May-3: 7 Months (= 14 hours) + 12 Days (= 48 min) 12PM UTC: 20 PM Taiwan (= - 4 hours) from Midnight Result Total Hour Angle: 10 hours 48 min (right ascension) Zenith Constellation: Leo Constellation (獅子座) 黃道 or 赤道 1) 根據受力的大小 ex: Mars vs Formosa Satellites 2) 根據任務的需要 ex: Inertial vs Rotational Frame 3) 根據使用者的方便 ex: Norzomi Satellite vs GPS users Satellite Coordinate System: An ECI Coordinate System: J2000 Satellite Attitude Coordinate System Earth Pointing: Z-Direction 結束了 謝謝聆聽! 1)衛星控制總論 2)坐標系統介紹 3)衛星軌道控制 4)衛星姿態控制 5)結語 衛星控制 0 Hour@ 雙魚座 (Pisces) 11 Hour—Leo Constellation 10 Hour@ 獅子座 (Leo) Regulus 黃道 – 以太陽為中心 現在地球的位置﹖ 十二月星空—星座與行星 台北市立天文館12月的星空 Satellite Coordinate System: How many systems in the Operation? Satellite Coordinate


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