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16.6 Communities Have a Definitive Physical Structure 1 Community and its physical structures The physical structures reflects: abiotic factors: depth and water flow in aquatic environment biotic factors: spatial arrangement of organisms Community and its physical structures 生態學家一般依照陸生群落的優勢種植物 和共同的物理性結構來做命名分類 在水域環境中優勢種也被用來做命名分類 - Forests - Kelp forests - Shrublands - Seagrass meadows - Grassland - Coral reefs Vertical stratification in a terrestrial community Fig16.5 Vertical stratification in a aquatic community Strata are determined largely by light photic zone(照光區) aphotic zone(無光區) benthic zone(底層區) Water depth for an open body of water epilimnion(表水層) metalimnion(溫水層) hypolimnion(深水層) Fig16.6 Each layer is inhabited by characteristic organisms Animals may or may not move between layers 16.7 Zonation is Spatial Change in Community Structure Zonation : 因為非生物性因素而使物種呈現帶狀(漸層)分布 Fig16.7 植物在河口生態系對於鹽度環境梯度的分佈圖 Fig16.8 Fig16.9 16.8 Defining Boundaries Between Communities is Often Difficult Boundary: 群落的邊界通常是藉由物理性或生物性的結構來定義 Why difficult? 1.物種分布具有漸層性 2.主觀的,只能靠觀察 3.群落空間大小? Fig16.7 Why difficult? 1.物種分布具有漸層性 2.主觀的,只能靠觀察 3.群落空間大小? Fig16.10 Fig16.10 討論3 請用小畫家畫出下列圖例的群落邊界 每組請至組別附近的電腦討論 每組討論5分鐘 請報告者上台報告2分鐘 16.9 Two Contrasting Views of the Community Association(群叢): is a type of community with 1.相同的物種組成 2.一樣的外觀 3.棲息地分布在相同特徵的地方 Organismic concept 機體論學派: Species in a community tend to have a common evolutionary history and similar fundamental responses and tolerances Individualistic concept 個體論學派: The relationship among coexisting species is a result of similarities in their requirements and tolerances Fig16.12 a Fig16.12 b 討論4 上述兩種學派,你支持哪一種呢? 每組討論5分鐘,並做出海報 請報告者上台報告2分鐘 機體論學派(美國生態學家Clements): 其認為群落像一個有機體一樣,有誕生、生長、成熟和死亡的不同發育階段,而這些不同的發育階段,可以解釋成一個有機體的不同發育時期。 個體論學派(H.A.Gleason): 其認為將群落與有機體相比擬是欠妥的。群落的存在依賴於特定的生態環境與不同物種的組合,但是環境條件在空間與時間上都是不斷變化的,因此每一個群落都不具有明顯的邊界。環境的連續變化使人們無法化分出一個個獨立的群落實體。群落只是科學家


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