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育明教育孙老师整理,来育明教育赠送资料,更多真题可咨询孙 老师。 中国矿业大学2011年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案 I.Directions:Translatethefollowingwords,abbreviations orterminologyintoChinese.Therearealtogether15items inthispartofthetest,withonepointforeach,(15points) 1.WMO 2. BRICs 3.IOS 4. GATT 5. NATO 6. WHO 7. ILO 8. Nanotechnology 9. International Telecommunications Union 10. United Nation Children’s Fund 11. computemik 12. Reuters 13. World Intellectual Property Organization 14. Transliteration 15. Foreignizing IIDirections:Translatethefollowingwords,abbreviations orterminologyintoEnglishTherearealtogether15items inthispartofthetest’withonepointforeach,(15points) 1 1.经济适用房 2.节能减排 3.低碳经济 4.物联网 5.创业板 6.综合国力 7.复合型人才 8.全国人民代表大会 9.锐意进取 10.自主创新能力 11.建设生态文明 12.科技成果产业化 13.节能环保汽车 14.文化体制改革 15.全方位外交 III.Directions:Translatethefollowingsourcetextinto Chinese.(60points) Theywere ingreat-coatswith scarvesand comfortersround theirnecks, and hats or caps drawn well down; and they sat mostly in dejected attitudes,bending forward, theirhands resting on thehandles of their sticks,some with their chins on their hands, but all gazed in one direction over the cold grey sea. Strangers to each other, unlike in lifeand character, coming fromwidely separatedplaces,someprobably from countries beyond the ocean, yet all here,silently gazing in one direction beyond that rocky foreland, with the same look of infinite wearinessontheirgreyfacesand intheirdimsadeyes,asifonethought and feeling and motive had drawn them to this spot. Can it be that the sentimentorfancywhich issowninourminds inchildhoodandliesasleep and forgotten in us through most of our years, revives and acquires towardstheendanewand strangesignificancewhenwe have enteredupon 2 our second childhood? The period, I mean, when we recover our ancient mental possession—the heirloo


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