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编号: 毕业设计说明书 题 目: 蒸汽喷雾式电熨斗外壳的 注射模设计 院 (系): 机电工程学院 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 韦革成 职 称: 高级技师 题目类型:(理论研究 (实验研究 (工程设计 (工程技术研究 (软件开发 2012年 5月15 日 摘 要 本文将以家用蒸汽喷雾式电熨斗模具设计,论述相关注塑模具的关键问题和优势。对塑料材料的性能分析,家用蒸汽喷雾式电熨斗外形的设计与建模,根据塑件的基本形状和尺寸入手,合理选择注射的成型方法。最佳成型方法的选择,模具设计并进行理论分析。根据具体尺寸校核注塑模具及注塑机的有关尺寸,并对工艺参数进行核定和计算。之后进行初步的审查对所存在的问题进行确定和修正,然后绘制模具总装配图,按装配图绘制成型零件及所有需要加工的零件工作图,同时考虑零件的加工工艺。 在这次设计过程中充分利用课本中的理论,严格按照模具设计的步骤,查阅相关模具参数以及相关机械手册,对塑件工艺性分析、分型面确定、成型零件设计、型腔数量确定、浇注系统设计等。 关键词:蒸汽式电熨斗;塑料模具;塑件工艺;尺寸公差; Abstract this paper will take home Steam type electric iron product analysis and mold design, this paper discusses the key issues related to injection molds and advantage. To plastic material performance analysis, household Steam type electric iron, according to the design and modeling of plastic parts of basic shapes and sizes, reasonably select the shaping method injection. The best the shaping method choice, mould design and theoretical analysis. According to the specific size I must check injection molding tool and injection molding machine, and the relevant dimensions of verification and calculation process parameters. Carries on the preliminary review after some issues identified and fix, then draw mold assembly drawing, according to total drawings forming parts and all needs processing, and consider working drawing parts machining process of the part. In the design process make full use of book of theory, in strict accordance with the die design steps, consult relevant die parameters and related machinerys handbook for plastics technology, parting surface analysis, determination, molding parts design, cavity to determine the number, gating system design, etc. Key words:Steam type electric iron;Plastic mould; Plastics technology; Dimension tolerance 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 国内外研究现状 1 2 电熨斗外壳设计及其成型工艺的分析 4 2.1 塑件分析 4 2.1.1塑件结构分析如下 4 2.1.2塑料件成型工艺分析 4 2.2 塑料的选材及性能分析


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