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摘要 随着高速铁路和城市轨道交通的蓬勃发展,对铁路运输的安全运行控制 提出了更高的要求,即铁路的信息化、智能化,(CBTC)CBTC 的发展需要,论文对CBTC中关于列车的定位问题进行了研究。 论文阐述了现有的各种列车定位方式,对比分析了卫星定位与里程计定 位的特点,提了基于GPS的列车定位系统’该系统主要由车载定位子系 统、车站定位子系统及信息传输系统组成。其中车载子系统主要实现定位 倌息的采集和显示,车站定位子系统主要实现列车位背信息的接收及处理, 而信息传输系统做为二者的连接桥梁,为定位信息提供无线传输通道? 论文主要研究了列车卫星定位信息的处理和车、地间定位信息的传递。 在车载定位子系统的设计中,一Linux的设计方案, 设计了处理GPS和里程计信息的程序GPSSERVER,并且还设计了一个基 于QTE图形库的人机界面TRAINMM1。 最后,论文对系统的实时性和优越性进行了分析,s 关键词:CBTC,GPS,嵌入式Linux, GSM-R,无线通信 Abstract As the flourishing advancement of High-speed railway and Urban rail transportation, security-run control of train transportation including railway intelligentization and information should be paied more attention. Now computer technology and communication technology have fast progress which made it possible that we realize the transmit information between train and train station by applying wireless communication. So CBTC which is based on communication of train control system inevitablely become the trend and the technology of train orientation will be the key technology for CBTC. In order to accommodate the development of CBTC in our country,the dissertation studies the key technologies about train orientation in CBTC The dissertation expatiate all kinds of modes of train orientation which put forward train orientation system based on GPS comparing with the features of satellite orientatioi} and Merter Device. The new orientation system is mainly composed of On-board orientation subsystem? station orientation subsystem and information transformation system. On-board orientation subsystem rea】ize the collection of orientation information and display and station orientation subsystem realize the receiving and procession of information about train position. At the same time information transformation system as the link bridge present the wireless transformation path for both of them we have mentioned. The dissertation study the processing of train satellite orientation and pass of orientation information between train and stati


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