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The survey inquired about the banking relationship key factors and their product and channel preferences 调查将了解影响业务关系的关键因素,以及客户对产品和渠道的偏好 Customer Survey Questionnaire 客户调查问卷 案例D:理财业务客户的忠诚度计划 为极大化客户关系价值,忠诚度计划是一个经常被运用的工具 These key messages were delivered in a series of communication vehicles to customers 主要的信息将通过一系列沟通工具传达给客户 Finally, the survey tested 30 different names for the segment’s brand 最终,调查对这一细分产品品牌的30个不同的产品名称进行了检验 对不同的细分市场,我们应着重不同的沟通渠道和诉求讯息,以最有效地打动客户 Thus the call centre should play a slightly different role for each of the product functions 因此呼叫中心应该针对每一产品功能,扮演稍显不同的角色 The Product Development initiative will result in a 3-year NPV savings of $8.3M 跨职能部门的流程和协调 Process Map – DCD (Dual Currency Deposit) Pilot Workplan Weekly meeting is important to monitoring product pilot , so as to efficiently apply adjustment required in 每周会议对于监控产品试点情况和高效地进行所需的调整,都是十分重要的 Last and most important, the involvement from senior management is critical to the overall success 最重要的一点,高管人员的参与对于整个项目获得成功十分关键 All staff assigned to the pilot program should attend an introductory training session on the philosophy, principles and practice of microbanking 所有参与试点项目的员工都必须参加一个介绍性的培训课程,了解微型银行(microbanking)的理念、原则和实践 New product serve an important strategic purpose to the bank People and technology are our greatest assets Customers will benefit Our goal is to improve our ability to serve and satisfy customer needs Key Messages Cross-functional Communications Plan Letter from CEO Letter from corporate office Function heads meeting Town Hall meeting Letter from CEO Pilot team meeting Letter from CEO Pilot team kick-off meeting Letter from CEO Letter from CEO Letter from CEO Town hall meeting Type of Communication Strategic vision Product development underway New and exciting opportunities ahead Project update Key planned initiatives and timing QA session Update on development progress and pilot plan Pilot team formation Pilot launch Recap of the program progree Look


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