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FTP服务与客户端设计FTP为一种文件传输协议服务器客户端:服务器日志在线用户程序设置统计安全服务器日志在线用户程序设置统计安全客户端连接服务器上传文件下载文件连接服务器上传文件下载文件服务器客户端erver and Client Abstract FTP is a mainstream network file transfer protocol. Design and Implementation of FTP services and clients will help in-depth understanding of network programming and FTP, and make the theoretical knowledge and practice together. In this paper, using VC + +6.0 programming tool, the FTP server and client designe are designed and implemented. The main design work is for: the design of server and client . Server-side design modules are: server logs module, online modules, procedures set module, statistics module, the security module. Server logs showing module is responsible for the various log information, online displaying is module responsible for online information, procedures setting module is responsible for the allocation of server operating parameters, statistics module is responsible for all the statistical work, security module is responsible for the management of user access privileges. Client design modules are: connect to server module, upload module, download files module. The module to connect to server is responsible for accessing servers by the information which the user enter, uploading file module is responsible for uploading the local paper to the server, downloading files module is responsible for downloading the documents to the local machine from server. Through practical application and testing, it verifys the correctness of the design of the paper. Keywords FTP Sever Client VC++6.0 目 录 第1章 引言 1 1.1 FTP介绍 1 1.2设计用的技术介绍 4 1.3 本文工作内容 6 第2章 系统整体设计 7 2.1 FTP服务器整体设计 7 2.2 FTP客户端整体设计 8 第3章 FTP服务器模块设计 9 3.1服务器日志模块 9 3.2 在线用户模块 12 3.3 程序设置模块 16 3.4 统计模块 20 3.5 安全模块 24 第4章 FTP客户端模块设计 33 4.1连接服务器模块 33 4.2 下载文件模块 35 4.3 上传文件模块 40 第5章 结论和展望 44 致 谢 45 参考文献 46 第1章 引言 1.1 FTP介绍 FTP的主要作用,就是让用户连接上一个远程计算机(这些计算机上运行着FTP服务器程序)察看远程计算机有哪些文件,然后把文件从远程计算机上拷到本地计算机,或把本地计算机的文件送到远程计算机去。hDz9wb-[ i(l*R中国Web技术站N GEHv /X1fG4ma8S(l7^4L@ @


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