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Team member-Xuemei Lan Zhuqing Lan ☆QQ Introduction ☆All About QQ ☆Success Of QQ ● launched by Huateng Ma ● a online chatting tool ● e-pet ~a lovely penguin ● qq games ● Information Why QQ so big and popular right now? According to last year’s analysis,QQhas taken nearly 80% of the market share . Msn IM, another popular IM tool only get less than 10% market share… This is my QQ You can check your Qzone updates/ mail/Q coins /levels You can see your friends/groups/ recent contacts You can search all other functions on left bar and on the bottom You can change your QQ settings and interface And you can search other users online. …… Functions: Audio chats, Add and delete Friends, Send files, Share movie/music, Invite friends to QQ Games. Text here… Address list. Local hard disk to store pics,docs online,or share with friends. P,recommendations from website homepage Pay cellphone or other bills directly from with QQaccounts User’s personal space, write blogs, read updates from others Latest stock market information…with personal stock options Online store, you can buy anything from you online banks QQ games Cellphone life For setting… Send msgs to cellphone Success of QQ Although QQ has copied so many software and game . But it is also welcomed to people in China . Why successful ? Psychology : “being different , being unique” to get “privilege”. Why successful ? 1.it is close to people . There is a saying that who beloved and supported by the people , who will win the world ! Why successful ? 2. You should staying online longer upgrading to sun level to get this privilege . Some privileges can really start competition . Why successful ? 3. QQ is adding more and more stuff : such as Mobile QQ , Mobile QQ make people more convenient . Why successful ? 4. To get a Super QQ package , enjoy all stuff that other users do not have your own medal of identity . Why successful ? 5. A successful


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