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中西花卉文化内涵浅析 An Analysis of the Differences of Flower Culture Between China and the Western Countries Abstract: There is a long history of flower culture in China and the western countries. Flowers are related to many historical events and people and local customs and rituals. Flowers, as a species in nature, have been flowering in the aesthetic field of vision for thousands of years. Endowed with various spiritual connotations, they become a specific cultural sign. People show a constant favor to flowers for their beauty, their fragrance and charm. A certain cultural structure is a combination of people who utilize this language and the way of their living, including geographic environment, folklore, religious belief, custom, aesthetic interest and the way of thinking. Influenced by those factors, flowers with rich connotation may have chance of resulting misunderstanding in the intercultural communication. Key words: flower; culture; intercultural communication. 摘 要:中西花卉文化都有很长一段历史。语言是文化的载体。任何语言都是根植于特定的文化背景,反映着特定的文化内涵。作为一种自然生物,花一直盛开在中西方民族的审美视野中,成为一种特定的文化符号。由于花卉千姿百态的造型,绚丽的色彩,迷人的芳香,给人类带来美好的心情。一种语言的文化结构是使用该语言的人的生活方式的总和,它包括地理环境,宗教信仰,民族风情等。受这些因素的影响,具有丰富文化内涵的花卉词语极有可能导致人们在中西方文化交际中产生误解。 关键词:花卉;文化;跨文化交际 Contents I. Introduction………………………………………………………1 II. Different Traditional Values Present in Flower Culture… …… 1 III. The Flower Images in Buddhism and in Christianity………….3 IV. The Flower Connotation in China and in the West…… ………4 V. The Senses of Flower Image in Chinese Culture and in the Western Culture ………………………………………………..…6 VI. Conclusion …………………… ………………………………..…8 Works Cited …………………………………………………..……...9 I. Introduction Both the Chinese flower culture and the Western flower culture have a long history. Flower is of close relationship with a lot of historical persons, historical events, customs and habits, the weather and regions, and fashions and so on. In China and the western countries, flowers have different cultural connotations and they reflect the difference


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