介词的基本用法 中高考复习.doc

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介词的基本用法 中高考复习

英语介词的基本用法 介词 (preposition) 又称前置词,是英语中最活跃的词类之一,它表示的是它后面的名词或代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句)与其他句子成分的关系。 介词一般可分为下列三类 1. 简单介词,如: about, above, across, after, against, among, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, beyond, but, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, like, near, of, off, on, over, past, round, since, through, to, towards, under, until, till, up, with 2. 合成介词,如: inside, into, onto, outside, throughout, upon, within, without 3. 短语介词,如: according to, along with, apart from, as for, as to, because of, by means of, in front of, in spite of, instead, in accordance with, on account of, on behalf of , owing to, due to, together with, up to, with regard to, next to, prior to 介词不能单独充当句子成分,它必须与名词或相当于名词作用的成分构成介词短语才能充当 句子的成分。 以下是常用的介词的固定搭配 1. At be good at 精通于 be annoyed at 对……烦恼 be angry at 对 (事) ……发怒 (take) aim at 瞄准 laugh at 因……而发笑 stare at 盯着看,凝视 at the best 充其量 at first 开始 at large 自由地 at least 至少,起码 at length 最后,终于 at once 立即,马上 at present 现在 at rest 休息,静止不动 at times 间或,有时 He was angry at his brothers remark. 他对他兄弟的批评很恼火。 I dont know him but he has been staring at me for ten minutes. 我不认识他,但是他盯了我足有十分钟。 The foreign countries attempt at a blockade of the port was unsuccessful. 外国试图对这个港口实施封锁,但没有成功。 I know I am at fault. 我知道我错了。 The escaped prisoner is still at large. 那逃犯仍逍遥法外。 He is at present away on his holidays. 他现在到外地度假去了。 2. About careful about 小心 particular about 对……讲究 careless about 粗心 doubtful about 对……怀疑 sure about 肯定 concerned about 担心 a complaint about 抱怨,叫屈 bring about 导致,引起 care about 关心,介意 leave about 乱放,乱扔 fuss about 大惊小怪 anxious about 担心,想念 例如: How did it come about? 那事是怎样发生的? She is crazy about pop music. 她对流行音乐着了迷。 English people are always making complaints about their weather. 英国人老是埋怨天气不好。 He is enthusiastic about the music of Brahams. 他热衷于布拉姆斯的乐曲。 Harry likes eating very much but he isnt very particular about the food he eats. 哈里很爱吃,但对他所吃的食物倒并不讲究。 3. Against fight against 反对 imm



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