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制造型企业生产物流规划 与控制研究 Manufacturing production planning and control of logistics 学 院:机械工程学院 专 业 班 级:工业工程0501班 学 号:0301011 学 生 姓 名:孟照寰 指 导 教 师:刘 设(讲师) 2009年6月 摘 要 制造型企业大多属于资金和技术比较密集型的产业,其生产的过程中加工时间只占5%,而用于搬运、储存等物流作业的时间约是95%。因此,在规划企业生产物流时应从企业的全局出发,优化物流路线,减少搬运次数,简化生产流程,提高物流效率。 本文在现代物流的基础上,依照现代物流和工业工程的理念。对制造型企业生产物流进行优化。所谓物流是指实物从供给方向需求方的转移,这种转移既要通过运输或搬运来解决空间位置的变化,又要通过储存或保管来调节时间节奏,与此同时创造了空间价值和时间价值。论述了企业生产物流系统的分析方法和特点,明确了制造型企业生产物流的目标。根据生产物流和工业工程的理论,以制造型企业的生产物流为研究对象,从生产过程、设备布局等进行了分析。根据企业物流合理化原则和方法,优化了制造型企业生产物流。 本文首先介绍了生产物流在国内外的情况,然后分析了我国存在的一些普遍的问题和解决方法。最后以A企业B5GP下沿饰板的生产为例,通过用布置和径路分析和程序分析等,对企业布局和流程程序进行了优化。 关键词:生产物流;JIT;MRP;物流设备 Abstract Most of the manufacturing enterprises are relatively capital and technology-intensive industries; the process of their production accounts for only 5% of processing time, and for the handling, storage and other logistics operations is about 95%. Therefore, production and logistics in the planning should proceed from the overall business, and optimize the logistics of routes, reduction in the number of handling to improve the logistics efficiency. In this paper, the concept of Industrial Engineering and Modern Logistics are used to Production of manufacturing enterprises to optimize logistics. Logistics refers to the direction of physical demand from the supply side of the transfer, this transfer is to be adopted to solve the transport or handling of changes in spatial location, but also through the store or to regulate the time keeping the rhythm, at the same time creating value and time value of space. Discusses the production and logistics systems analysis methods and the characteristics of manufacturing defined the objectives of production and logistics. According to the theory of industrial engineering to manufacturing production logistics for the study, from the production process, Equipment layout, etc. are analyzed. According to the rationalization of business logistics principles and methods to optimize the productio


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