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毕业设计(论文)说明书 题 目: B/S模式的计算机等级考试管理系统 的设计与实现 作 者: 学 号: 系 (院): 专业班级: 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 B/S模式的计算机等级考试管理系统的设计与实现 摘 要:随着全国计算机等级考试的全面推广,我院学生每年参加两次省计算机等级考试,每次都有4~5千人,同时学校每次考试之前都会开设相应的计算机等级考试辅导班,考试管理工作量相当大。因此,为了降低考试管理工作人员和辅导班教师的工作强度,提高管理统计效率,方便学生的学习,有必要开发一个基于B/S模式的计算机等级考试管理系统来充分满足他们的工作和学习需求。 本系统针对我院的计算机等级考试管理现状,经过实际的需求分析,采用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2000数据库管理系统进行开发。整个系统的开发本着方便学生的学习、方便教师的教学、方便管理员的工作的基本思想,从操作简便、界面美观、灵活实用出发,设计开发的用户管理、辅导班报名管理、信息发布、通过率统计和信息查询等功能基本能满足学生、教师和管理员的学习和管理需求。 本设计说明书主要介绍了课题的开发背景、研究意义、所完成的功能、需求分析、系统设计、各模块详细设计和用户手册等内容。 关键词:计算机等级考试管理 ASP.NET SQL Server 2000 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Design and Implement of a B/S model System for Computer Rant Examination Management Abstract: With the prevalence of the national computer rank examination, students in our campus take this examination twice each year, and each time it has about five thousand students .more or less. Simultaneously, before the examination, our college will organize corresponding assistant classes for it, so workload for .the management of the examination will be heavy. Therefore, in order to reduce the management staffs’ and the teachers’ work intensity , promote the efficiency of the Statistic, and facilitate student learning, it is necessary for us to develop a B/S model System for computer Rank Examination Management to content their working and learning needs. This page has do actual needs analysis on status quo for the management of the computer rant examination. It is developed using ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2000 database management system. This system is developed basis on the intention to facilitate student learning, teacher teaching, and staff managing. To develop a system has the functions including managing users and signing up of the assistant classes, publishing and inquirin


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