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水泵的用途 描述泵的六大参数 性能曲线的特定条件 泵的四大性能曲线 选型参数表 C:\Documents and Settings\jianggl\桌面\选型表\选型表.mht 选型的一般步骤 1、 根据用户给定的Q、H、n及安装形式,通过型谱图及用途表,选择合适的泵类型; 2、 依据Q、H及高效原则,查阅有关样本,初选泵的规格型号; 3、 根据密度、粘度,进行参数折算,化成介质为水时的参数,第二次选出泵的型号; 4、 根据介质特性(如腐蚀、磨损),确定过流部位、机械密封、及橡胶密封材料; 5、 验证NPSHa>NPSHr+0.5是否成立; 6、 最终确定泵的型号; 工作条件 1、 介质为20C的清水 2、 Q=35m3/h H=120m、2极电机、立式安装 1、选择泵类型 2、初步选择泵的型号 In addition as the water is passed through the system there is a restriction to the movement of the liquid caused by friction to movement caused by the walls of the pipework. This restriction is known as dynamic head. The slide shows that the as the liquid eneters a pipe of a certain length and it flows it is possible to measure the pressure at either end, what will be found is a pressure drop as shown, if the pressure at the far end of the pipe is needed to be 3.5 bar then the pump should develop this extra pressure to overcome the lost 1.4bar. Tables are developed for the losses through fittings. There are many tables availble that have been developed in the mast by scientists to relate the flow-rate with the various friction losses per 100 metres of pipe. There are then factors to reduce the values calculated by co-effecients to reduce due to the different surfaces used in the pipes. Our example now has added the capacity, and using the charts we can calculate the losses through pipe and fittings. Plus loading rack losses Flooded suction example now has added the capacity, and using the charts we can calculate the losses through pipe and fittings. Plus loading rack losses 转速(R) 单位:RPM=转/分钟 电机风扇每分钟转得速度 通常分:2900转 电机习惯称为2级电机,1450转 电机习惯称为4级电机 尤其在空调泵上会要求选用噪音比较低的1450RPM 电压(T)通常分三相380伏 3X380V 单相220伏 1X220V 通常只有小型水泵才有1X22V,且220V可以在可在3X380V的电源上使用.反之则不行.我们所有的220V水泵相比较于380V均带有热保护. 水泵形式:立式或卧式 材质要求:铸铁,不锈钢,青铜等 是否具有自吸功能 其它重要参数 功率(N) 单位:KW 通常指电机输出功率P2 赫兹:国内为50HZ 国外多为60HZ 防护级:IP44/54/55/68 密封级:B/B3/F **气蚀余量 其他要素(用户可能提出的要求) 30 30 150 30 150 可选SV30和SV60 2、初步选择泵的型号 初步选择泵的型号SV3012 3、参数折算 本介质为水,无需换算。 4、过流材料 本介质为水,无腐蚀无磨损采用标准


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