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本科生(自考)毕业论文(设计) 题目 我国汽车配件物流的对策研究 学生姓名 高自林 班级 1 学 院 交通学院 专 业 汽车检测与维修 指导教师 谭立东 职称 中 文 摘 要 我国汽车行业的配件服务物流运作正处在集中式供应链向分散式供应链过渡的阶段,在物流网络方面已经具备分散式供应链模式下物流系统的特征,但在系统内和系统外协调机制方面尚有较大缺陷。本文探讨了我国汽车物流发展的重要性,分析了汽车物流发展的机遇和挑战,揭示了我国汽车物流发展中存在的问题,并根据供应链管理思想提出了相应对策。论文首先分析了我国汽车物流面临的机遇和挑战。在我国加入WTO后,我国的汽车市场更加开放,带动了汽车物流的快速发展,同时国外的汽车物流企业为我们带来了先进的理念和技术,这些都成为我国汽车物流发展的机遇。但是与此同时,我国的汽车物流企业必须面对国外巨头的冲击,主要表现国外物流企业的高效率、高质量、专业化的挑战,另外由于具有优良的品牌和可靠的信誉,国外物流企业在国际市场上拥有很高的市场占有率。而我国汽车物流由于起步晚,相关的基础设施落后等原因,存在这效率低下、专业化程度低、社会化的第三方物流发展缓慢等问题,导致我国汽车物流缺乏市场竞争力。针对目前我国汽车物流中存在的问题,本文提出了加快发展汽车物流的重要性,并提出以下几种发展对策:①在业务外包的思想指导下应用第三方物流;②加快汽车物流信息化建设;③提高物流服务质量;④加强国际合作;⑤建设汽车物流中心。通过上述对策促进我国汽车物流的快速发展。 关键词:汽车物流,供应链,第三方物流 Abstract Domestic pants logistics is on the transitional stage from massed suppdy chain to distributed supply chain. Although our logistics net already features ,there are still many things to do in terins of cocrdinating mechanism. This article analyzes the importance of automobile logistics.And it puts focus on the opportunities,threats and real problems in the development of the automobile logistics in China.This article has a research on how to deal with the urgent problems by using the theory of supply chain management and third party logistics. This article has an analysis on the opportunities and threats firstly.After entering WTO,the auto market becomes more and more opening,and it drives the fast development of auto logistics.At the same time,the foreign logistics companies bring along with advanced theories and technologies.All these provide great opportunities to the development of China’s auto logistics.But China’s auto logistics companies must face the threats from the foreign companies.There are so many threats in the fields of high efficiency,high quality and specialization.And for the excellent brand and reliable credit, the foreign companies hav


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