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人力资源管理信息系统是对人力资源信息进行收集和加工,利用信息进行人力资源的规划和预测,辅助公司领导进行人力资源开发管理与人事决策的信息处理系统, 20世纪60年代至今历经50年时间,从计算薪资的初级阶段发展到第四代电子信息化的人力资源管理。人力资源管理信息系统的出现促进了人力资源管理理念的变革,开辟了更加丰富的沟通渠道,大幅度提升人力资源管理数据分析水平,提高人力资源管理的效率和管理准确性。
先进管理思想和信息技术相结合的模式, 将人力资源管理工作提升到一个战略的高度,成为企业提高人力资源管理效率和水平的有力手段, 随着市场竞争的进一步加剧,人力资源管理信息系统将是未来企业人力资源管理适应环境变化的重要变革手段和主要发展趋势。
关键词:人力资源管理信息系统、人力资源信息化、信息共享、专业人才库人力资源的整体优势The application current situation of the technology of
talent assessment of China and development trend
Human resources management information system is to human resources information collection and processing, the use of information on human resources planning and forecast to the management to human resource development and personnel management of information processing system, in the 1960s, its 50 years, from the salary range for the first stage of development of electronic information on the fourth generation of human resources management. Human resources management information system has promoted the concept of human resources management reform and opening up more channels of communication in the promotion of human resources management data analysis, human resource management efficiency and accuracy.
Group by human resources information database for The whole group of human resources and distribution and use information accurately control the ownership of enterprises human resources flow barriers and talents in order to make full use of the whole group enterprises human resources. the branch, human resources management information systems can transplant the past, a high speed of human resources management system.
Advanced management and information technology, will integration of human resources management to a strategy, as the human resource management level of efficiency and effective means of the market competition, human resources management information system will be fu