第四章 消费者的注意、感觉与知觉.ppt

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第四章 消费者的注意、感觉与知觉

第四章 消费者的注意、感觉与知觉 开篇案例: 营销人员经常用漂亮模特吸引人们对广告的注意。当目标受众是男性时,这一手段运用的尤为普遍。那么,这种手段是否真的有效呢? RCA 在为其“colortrack”品牌电视机做的电视广告中用了一位漂亮模特,这一模特衣着保守。目光跟踪仪(一种仪器可以检测人们对广告的注意程度)显示观众注视这个产品的时间相当长。72小时以后,仍有36%的观众记住了这一品牌。 与此对照的是一部相似产品的广告使用了一位衣着暴露的性感女郎。目光跟踪仪器显示此广告也相当引人注意,但观众只顾看那位性感模特去了,72小时以后的品牌记忆率只有9%。 案例中的市场营销人员并不希望其受众目标仅仅关注广告中的模特,他们还想与观众交流有关产品本身的信息。但是由于刺激因素采用不好,只引起受众对刺激本身的兴趣,而忽略了广告所要传递的信息。 为了避免与不同的目标受众沟通时发生这样或那样的问题,关于知觉的知识就显得很重要。 本章将要探讨消费者的知觉过程——大脑如何处理市场营销刺激的这种机制。 结论: 一、消费者的感觉和知觉 1. 消费者的感觉 感觉的概念: 2.消费者的知觉 知觉的概念: 知觉是在感觉的基础上产生的,知觉就是个体选择、组织和解释刺激,形成一种有意义的与外部世界相一致的心理画面的过程。 知觉是因人而异的。 知觉的研究重点: 集中在为了给初始感觉赋予意义,我们在原始感觉上添加什么。 3. 感觉与知觉的区别与联系 Advertisements Appeal to Our Sensory Systems This ad for a luxury car emphasizes the contribution made by all of our senses to the evaluation of a driving experience. Sensory Systems - Vision Marketers rely heavily on visual elements in advertising, store design, and packaging. Meanings are communicated on the visual channel through a product’s color, size, and styling. Colors may influence our emotions more directly. Arousal and stimulated appetite (e.g. red) Relaxation (e.g. blue) Sensory Perceptions - Vision Some reactions to color come from learned associations. (e.g. Black is associated with mourning in the United States, whereas white is associated with mourning in Japan.) Some reactions to color are due to biological and cultural differences. (e.g. Women tend to be drawn to brighter tones and are more sensitive to subtle shadings and patterns) Perceptions of Color This ad campaign by the San Francisco Ballet uses color perceptions to get urban sophisticates to add classical dance to their packed entertainment itineraries. Perceptions of Color As this Dutch detergent ad demonstrates (Flowery orange fades without Dreft), vivid colors are often an attractive product feature. Discussion Question First Heinz gave us “Blastin’ Green” ketchup in a squeeze bottle. Now they have introduced “Funky Purple” ketchup. What sensory perception is Heinz trying to


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