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目 录
Foreword 1
前言 1
Section one. General 2
第一部分 总则 2
1. Scope 2
1.适用范围 2
2. References 3
2.参考文献 4
Section two. General considerations 4
第二部分 场地勘察应考虑的基本事项 4
3. Primary objects of site investigation 4
3.场地勘察的基本目的 4
4. General procedure 5
4.一般步骤 5
4. 1 Extent and sequence of investigation 5
4.1勘察的范围和顺序 5
4.1.1 General. The extent of the investigation depends primarily upon the magnitude and nature of the proposed works and the nature of the site. 5
4.1.1总则 勘察的范围取决的待建项目的规模和特征以及场地的状态。 5
4.1.2 Adjacent property 5
4.1.2邻近建筑 6
4.2 Desk study. 6
4.2 资料的收集与分析 6
4.3 Site reconnaissance 7
4.3场地踏勘 7
4.4 Detailed examination and special studies (see also appendix D). 7
4.4详细勘察和专题研究(见附录D) 7
4.5 Construction and performance appraisal 8
4.5施工与作业质量评估 8
5. Earlier uses and state of site 8
5.场地使用的历史和现状态 8
5.1 General 8
5.1总则 8
5.2 Underground mining 8
5.2地下开采 8
5.3 Opencast mining 9
5.3露天开采 9
5.4 Quarry operations 9
5.4采场运营 9
5.5 Waste tips 9
5.5尾矿 9
5.6 Industrial complexes 9
5.6 工业布局 9
5.7 Other earlier use 9
5.7其他的早期使用 10
5.8 Ancient monuments 10
5.8古遗迹 10
6. Aerial photographs 10
6.航片 10
6.1 General 10
6.1总则 10
6.2 Topographical mapping 10
6.2地形测绘 11
6.3 Identification of features 11
6.3地貌识别 11
6.4 Sophisticated techniques 12
6.4复杂技术 12
Section three. Ground investigation 12
第三部分 地基勘察………………………………………………………………………………12
7. Introduction 12
7. 引言 12
7.1 Objects 12
7.1勘察目的 12
7.2 Planning and control 13
7.2规划与控制 14
8. Types of ground investigation 15
8. 地基勘察类型 15
8.1 Sites for new works 15
8.1 新建工程场地 15
8.2 Defects or failures of existing works 16
8.2已有工程的破坏与缺陷 16
8.3 Safety of existing works 16
8.3 已有工程的安全性 16
8.3.1 Effect of new works upon existing works 16
8.3.1新建工程对已有工程的影响 16
8.3.2 Kinds of effects 17
8.3.2 影响类型 17
8.3.3 Procedure 18
8.3.3评价步骤 18
8.4 Material for constructional purposes 18
8.4建筑材料 18
9. Geological mapping for ground investigation 19
9.地基勘察中的地质填图 19
10. Extent of the ground investigation 20
10. 地基勘察的范围 20
10.1 General 20
10.1总则 20
10.2 Character and variability of the
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