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Chapter 8宏观经济学原理 弗兰克版 题库
Chapter 8Student: ___________________________________________________________________________1.Saving equals:??A.?current spending minus current income.B.?wealth minus assets.C.?assets minus liabilities.D.?current income minus spending on current needs.?2.Current income minus spending on current needs equals:??A.?saving.B.?wealth.C.?transfers.D.?investment.?3.The saving rate equals saving divided by:??A.?wealth.B.?assets.C.?liabilities.D.?income.?4.Pat earns $1,000 per week and spends $850 per week on living expenses, puts $50 in a savings account, and buys $100 worth of shares in a stock mutual fund. Pats saving is _____, and Pat’s saving rate is _____.??A.?$50; 5.0%B.?$50; 5.9%C.?$100; 10%D.?$150; 15%?5.Chris earns $1,500 per week and spends $1,000 per week on living expenses, puts $200 in a savings account, and buys $300 worth of shares in a stock mutual fund. Chriss saving is _____, and Chris’s saving rate is _____.??A.?$200; 13.3%B.?$200; 20.0%C.?$300; 20.0%D.?$500; 33.3%?6.Wealth equals:??A.?current income minus spending on current needs.B.?assets minus liabilities.C.?saving minus investment.D.?investment minus saving.?7.Wealth is the same as:??A.?net worth.B.?assets.C.?capital gains.D.?savings.?8.Assets are:??A.?current income minus spending on current needs.B.?stocks, bonds, and credit card balances.C.?saving minus investment.D.?anything of value one owns.?9.Liabilities are:??A.?current income minus spending on current needs.B.?the debts one owes.C.?saving minus investment.D.?anything of value one owns.?10.Which of the following is an asset of a family???A.?Student loanB.?MortgageC.?Unpaid credit card balanceD.?Checking account balance?11.Which of the following is a liability of a family???A.?Checking account balanceB.?Share of stockC.?HouseD.?Mortgage?12.What is the value of Taylors assets??Taylor has the following assets and liabilities:??A.?$308,000B.?$416,000C.?$419,000D.?$422,000?13.What is the value of Taylors liabilities??Taylor has the following asse
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