诗歌赏析PowerPoint 演示文稿.ppt

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诗歌赏析PowerPoint 演示文稿

The Road Not Taken Robert Frost The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 罗伯特?弗罗斯特 罗伯特?弗罗斯特(Robert Frost,1874—1963)是20世纪美国最伟大的诗人之一,和艾略特、庞德、威廉斯、史蒂文斯一起被誉为20世纪美国诗坛五巨擘,主要写作并出版了 10 部诗集,这一首是其第三部诗集《山的间隔》中的名篇。 弗罗斯特以写抒情短诗著称,它的抒情短诗的质量很高,是内容和形式的完美结合。劳伦斯指出他的主要艺术成就就在于他能把思想情感和富有象征的意象糅合起来,用抒情诗的形式表达。 弗罗斯特是一个旨在通过自己的诗歌说明某一哲理的诗人,他利用意象或比喻讲述他的心得体会,阐明他对人生、社会和宇宙的态度,正是由于他重视自己诗歌的思想性,所以他的诗歌不但富有智慧和哲理,而且常读常新——他的诗歌永远是耐人寻味的,使人不断有所发现、有所收获、有所进步。 。 Brief Introduction of Robert Frost Major works Writing style The color of his poetry Pulitzer Prize (4): 1924, 1931, 1937 and 1943 The poet’s attitude towards life The background of “the road not taken” The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; 黄色的树林里分出两条路, 可惜我不能同时去涉足, 我在那路口久久伫立, 我向着一条路极目望去, 直到它消失在丛林深处。 磨损,损坏 Then took/ the o/ther, as just/ as fair/ And ha/ving perhaps/ the be/tter claim Because/ it was gra/ssy and wan/ted wear/ Though as /for that/ the pa/ssing there/ Had worn/ them rea/lly about/ the same/ The source of the last stanza One stanza


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