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大型柔性摩天轮轮辐索预张力确定方法探究   摘 要: 以北京朝天轮结构设计为背景,通过分析确定轮辐索预张力需考虑的因素,给出了确定大型柔性摩天轮结构轮辐索预张力的方法,包括预张力值域的确定方法及其调整方法,在值域范围内调整预张力需考虑的各种因素,及估算合理预张力的简便算法.指出轮辐索预张力值域上限由180度索是否满足轮辐索安全系数确定,值域下限由0度索是否松弛确定;减小轮缘自重或适当减小轮辐索的安全系数可增大值域范围,而增大轮辐索截面积可能引起调整预张力的恶性循环;轮辐索预张力的确定还需考虑轮缘平面内外的刚度及90度索的松弛;由于轮辐索预张力和轮缘自重的比值R可大致决定结构的受力特性,故大型柔性摩天轮结构可采用与北京朝天轮相近的R值初步预估轮辐索预张力值. 关键词:柔性摩天轮;轮辐索张力值域;安全系数;预张力估算方法 中图分类号:TU394 文献标识码:A Spoke Cable Prestress Determination of Large Scale Flexible Ferris Wheels LUO Yongfeng, BAI Jie, GUO Xiaonong (College of Civil Engineering, Tongji Univ, Shanghai 200092,China ) Abstract: This paper provided a practical method to decide the reasonable spoke cable prestress for flexible Ferris wheels. By analyzing the factors influencing spoke cable prestress, this paper proposed a method to determine prestress value range and a method to adjust the value range, pointing out that the lower limit is determined by the slack of the 0 degree cable, and the upper limit is controlled by the safety factor of the spoke cable. The reduction of wheel weight and spoke cable safety factor can both expand value range, but the increase of spoke cable section area may cause a vicious cycle in spoke cable prestress adjustment. Other factors affecting spoke cable prestress, including wheel rigidity and cable sag, were also analyzed. Besides, since the mechanical property of flexible Ferris wheels can be generally decided by the ratio R of spoke cable prestress and wheel weight, flexible Ferris wheels of different scales can take similar R value as Beijing Great Wheel to decide an approximate prestress value. Key words: flexible Ferris wheel; spoke cable prestress value range; safety factor; prestress estimation 现代摩天轮结构自1893年在美国芝加哥诞生以来历经了一百多年的发展,但多数是直径50 m以下的中小型摩天轮,直径突破100 m的大型摩天轮凤毛翎角[1].由于中小型摩天轮结构体量小自重小,故绝大多数都采用了刚性结构形式,即轮盘全部采用无预应力的桁架结构体系.只有少数大型摩天轮采用了柔性结构形式,即轮盘采用柔性预应力钢索的结构体系[2].目前世界范围内柔性摩天轮的经典案例有英国伦敦眼、新加坡Flyer以及中国天津慈海桥摩天轮[3-5].由于柔性摩天轮的工程实例少,且现有文献主要探讨已有柔性摩天轮在确定方案下的结构性能[6-9],而对柔性摩


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