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梳型聚合物超分散剂的合成及其在有机介质中分散CaCO3的研究 景希玮1,公维光1,冯中军2,唐胜程1,郑柏存1 (1 华东理工大学体育新材料研发中心,上海,200237;2 上海三瑞高分子材料有限公司,上海,200232) 摘要:本文设计合成了一种新型梳型聚合物SMA-g-PSHD,用于有机介质中分散超细碳酸钙。该梳型聚合物分别以羧基为锚固基团,低极性聚酯PSHD为溶剂化链。通过FT-IR、1H NMR和GPC对梳型聚合物结构、组成和分子量进行表征,并且系统地研究了SMA-g-PSHD对CaCO3在有机介质中分散性、悬浮液流变行为和稳定性的影响,研究结果表明:梳型聚合物明显改善了CaCO3的分散性,使其在有机介质中几乎呈单颗粒分布;CaCO3在有机介质中几乎呈单颗粒分布;悬浮液粘度显著降低,并且呈近牛顿流体特征;SMA-g-PSHD改性后的悬浮液具有极佳的稳定性。 关键字:梳型聚合物;超分散剂;CaCO3;有机介质 Synthesis of comb-like copolymer dispersant for dispersing CaCO3 in organic system Xiwei Jing 1, Weiguang Gong 1, Zhongjun Feng 2, Shengcheng Tang 1, Baicun Zheng 1 (1 Research Development Center for Sports Materials, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237; 2 Shanghai Sunrisechem Co., Ltd., Shanghai,200232) Abstract:The novel comb-like polymer poly (styrene-co-maleic anhydride)-graft-poly (stearyl alcohol-co-hexanediol-co-decanedioic acid) (SMA-g-PSHD) was synthesized in this paper, which was used as the surface modifier for dispersing CaCO3 in low polarity organic medium. The SMA-g-PSHD copolymer had anionic polycarboxylate backbone, which was easily absorbed on the surface of CaCO3. Also, it had low polarity side chains, which could generate sufficient steric hindrance to avoid the aggregation of particles. The structure, composition and molecular weight of SMA-g-PSHD were determined by FT-IR, 1H NMR and GPC, respectively. The dispersion ability of CaCO3, the viscosity and stability of CaCO3 suspension using SMA-g-PSHD as the dispersant were investigated and compared with stearic acid. The addition of SMA-g-PSHD improved the dispersion ability of CaCO3 in xylene and decreased the apparent viscosity of CaCO3 suspension dramatically. In addition, the SMA-g-PSHD modified suspension also showed superior stability than that modified by stearic acid. Keywords: Comb-like polymer; Hyperdispersant; CaCO3; Organic medium( 重质碳酸钙具有化学纯度高、热稳定性好、白度高等优点,且资源丰富、价格便宜,在涂料、塑料、油墨、橡胶等领域有广泛的应用,尤其是超细重质碳酸钙更是得到人们的青睐[1]。然而由于其大的比表面积、较强的比表面能以及亲水性较强,严重制约了它们在有


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