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接下来我就给大家介绍用剪刀画画和表达情感的中国古老艺术——剪纸 Now let’ s come to the Paper-cutting, from which our emotions could be expressed through scissors and drawings. Thank you! (Dank je wel!) 刻纸 paper carving 撕纸 Paper-tearing 三、中国剪纸的工具Tools 剪刀、美工刀、铅笔、垫板 Scissors, Knife, Pencil, subplate(avoid the table from being carved) 纸张要用比较薄的,一般会用宣纸。教学最好用写春联的红纸,颜色喜气。 Paper selection---choose the thiner paper, usually Xuan Paper. Better to use the red one which implies happiness. 剪纸的常用纹样: 线条纹 柳叶纹 花瓣纹 折剪纹 旋转纹 牙牙纹 月牙纹 剪纸的一般过程: 四、中国剪纸的步骤 Procedures (1)准备正方形的红纸 Prepare the square red paper (2)对折 Fold into a half (3)绘制图案 Draw the outline (4)按照图案进行 Tailor with the outline (5)展开即成 Unfold and it is done 二折叠法(two folding) 三折叠法 Three folding 四折叠法 Fore folding 五折叠法 Five folding 六折叠法 Six folding 希望大家剪得这只蝴蝶能够为中荷两国带来美好和幸福的未来!也希望大家像蝴蝶一样美丽、快乐、自由! Wish these butterflies can bring the blessedness and happiness for us. And wish everybody will be as beautiful, happy and free as the beautiful butterfly. 中国剪纸艺术 Chinese Paper-cutting 重庆大学民间艺术研究中心: 况成泉 Institute of Folklore Culture Chongqing University : Lecturer:Chengquan Kuang 首先欢迎荷兰的同学来到中国,来到重庆大学学习 Welcome to Chongqing University! 很高兴由我来给大家介绍中国的民间剪纸 I am so happy to teach something about the Chinese Paper-cutting to you honorable guess from Holland! 别名:矿泉水 重庆山东青岛人农民的儿子,今年20多岁 Nickname: Mineral Water. From Shandong Province. 一、剪纸艺术简介Introduction (1)剪纸是中华人民共和国第一批国家非物质文化遗产 Paper-cutting is the first non-material cultural heritage in China 图:联合国教科文组织授予中国农村妇女库淑兰“民间工艺美术大师”称号 Shulan Ku---Conferred with the title of MASTER OF INDUSTRIAL FOLK ART by the UNESCO (2)中国剪纸历史悠久,距今已有1000多年的历史 Chinese Paper-cutting has a long history of more than 1000 years 图:对马团花——中国最早出现的剪纸(复原图)symmetrical horses and flowers--- the earliest paper-cutting has been discovered in China yet. (Recovered version) (3)剪纸是中国传统文化的一个组成部分也是传统文化的 一个特殊符号 Important part of Chinese culture, a special mode 图:剪花娘子——库淑兰 Colorful lady---by Shulan Ku 图:抓髻娃娃——寓意生命繁衍 little c


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