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医务人员奥运英语 内科学 (Internal Medicine) Outline Asking about symptoms and medical history Physical examination Diagnosis Treatment Suggestions and instructions 症状提问常用语 Q: Hello! I am Doctor XXX. What seems to be troubling you? (What seems to be the problem)? (How are you doing today)? (What is troubling you)? 症状常用语 Have chest pains     胸痛 Have been spitting blood  咯血 Have heart palpitations   心悸   Feel nauseous       恶心 Have been vomiting blood  呕血   Have blood in my stool   便血 Have diarrhoea       腹泻 Have a fever        发热      Feel dizzy         头晕 Feel faint         晕厥 症状提问常用语 Q: How long have you had the symptoms? (How long have you been like this?) A: About……. 症状提问常用语 Q: Anything else besides fever ?(chest pain, headache, stomachache…..) (Is there any other problem?) 症状常用语 Have chest pains     胸痛 Have been spitting blood  咯血 Have heart palpitations   心悸   Feel nauseous       恶心 Have been vomiting blood  呕血   Have blood in my stool   便血 Have diarrhoea       腹泻 Have a fever        发热      Feel dizzy         头晕 Feel faint         晕厥 症状提问常用语 Q: Do you know any possible reasons for the symptom? A: Yes, I do. I had a cold. (I had a long trip) (I had eaten greasy food) 症状提问常用语 Q: In what situation do the symptoms get worse? A: They get worse when I ……….. 症状提问常用语 Q: When are the symptoms relieved? A: They are relieved when I ……….. 症状提问常用语 Q: You used to be very healthy, didn`t you? Have you had any special diseases in the past? (heart diseases; hypertension; diabetes…) 症状提问常用语 Q:  What kind of medications do you regularly take?  A Medication for lowering blood pressure  降压药 Hypoglycemic drugs          降糖药 Anticoagulants            抗凝血药     Pain medication            止痛药 Sleeping pills             安眠药 症状提问常用语 Q: Do you suffer from any drug allergies? Physical Examination I need to perform a physical examination on you now. I need to take your blood pressure Do you mind if I examinati


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