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商务英语信函complaints claims and adjustment
Chapter Nine Complaints, Claims and Adjustments Revision: Translation 要求你们用“加尔加斯”号船装运所订购的货物,而不是将货物装在原先通知的“曼哈顿”号船上。 Instead of S.S. “Manhattan” as previously advised, you are now required to ship the goods of this order by S.S. “Calchas”. 请你们抓紧备货,并尽你们最大努力毫不延迟地将货物装船。 Please rush the preparation of the goods and try your best to ship the same without the least delay. 合同中明确规定月底前装船,然而假若你们能安排提早装船,我们将不胜感激。 It is stipulated in the contract that shipment is to be made before the end of this month, however, we shall appreciate it if you will arrange to ship the goods at an earlier date.? Revision: Translation 已经在“济南”号船上订舱,该船预定将于下月底从你们港口驶往青岛港。 The space has been booked on S.S. Jinan, which is due to sail from your port to Qingdao at the end of next month. 我方今天已将一批男式衬衫通过“东风”号船运往贵方,今附上该批货物的相关提单和发票。 We have today sent you by S.S. “Dongfeng” a consignment of Mens shirts for which we enclose our bill of lading and invoice. 你方是否可以为我们安排,替下列瓷器产品投保从以上地址所示的仓库至马尼拉的保险? Will you please arrange to insure for us on the following consignment of crockery goods from our warehouse at the above address to Manila? Revision: Please look at the following classifications In our country, the cargo insurance is classified into basic risks and additional risks. Basic risks include: (1) Free from Particular Average (FPA); (2) With Particular Average/ With Average (WPA/WA) (3) All Risks (AR). Additional risks include: (1) General Additional Risks (2) Special Additional Risks. General Additional Risks include: Clash Breakage Risks; Taint of Odor Risk; Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage Risks; Theft, Pilferage Non-delivery Risks (T.P.N.D.); Shortage Risk;Leakage Risk; Leakage Risk; Intermixture Contamination Risks; Hook Damage Risk; Sweating Heating Risks; Rusting Risk; Breakage of Packing Risk. ?? Special Additional Risks include: War Risk; Strike, Riots and Civil Commotions (S.R.C.C.); Aflatoxin Risk; Failure to Delivery Risk; On Deck Risk; Import Duty Risk; Rejection Risk; Survey
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