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1. Please credit our account with the proceeds after _ deducting _(扣除)your charges. 2. Your draft must __ be accompanied by _(附有)the following shipping documents. 3. Any information you supply for us will be_ strictly confidential (绝密处理) and with out any liability on your part. 4. Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon; on_receipt of your specific enquires. 5. If you can provide us with a good price and service, we will be happy to place more substantial orders _on____a regular basis. 6. We do not feel that the prices are_ at all excessive.(超出合理水平) 7. Please note that the L/C should be established in exact accordance(完全一致)with the terms of the contract so as to avoid subsequent amendment. 第二章establish business relation specialize in 专营 for your reference 供你方参考 win/enjoy great popularity 赢得巨大声誉 in markets at home and abroad 国内外市场 there is a great demand of/for sth大量需要 give best quotation, offer the best price报最优价 by joint efforts 共同努力 establish business relations with 建立商业关系 trading firm 贸易公司 excellent/wide connections良好/广泛的关系operate/manage an advertising agency经营广告代理 marketing procedure促销方法to increase turnover considerably大量增加营业额 to promote sales of products促销产品 through the courtesy of…承蒙…介绍 leading importer of metals and minerals五金矿产品catalogue and price list 商品目录表和价格单 的主要进口商specialize in the export of canned goods专营出口罐装食品 a state corporation国营公司by separate airmail另函航空邮寄 referring to your letter of …关于贵方某月某日的来函In the line of在业务范围之内 in compliance with your request谨遵要求meet your interest符合要求 conclude transaction/business with s达成交易furnish sb. with sth. 向某人提供某事 1、从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是电器和电子产品的主要进口商之一。We have learned from the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy to your country that you are one of the leading importers of electric and electronic equipment. 2、为了给贵方一个我们产品的总印象,我们将另函寄给你们一份必威体育精装版产品目录以及一套小册子,供你们参考。To give you a general idea of our products, we are s


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