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国内韩星广告与品牌传播初探 学  院:影视艺术技术学院 专  业:广 告 学生姓名:董芳薇 学  号指导老师:孔秀祥 目 录 国内韩星广告与品牌传播初探…………………………………..1 目录………………………………………………………………..2 摘要………………………………………………………………..4 ABSTRACT……………………………………………………….5 绪论………………………………………………………………..7 一、韩星代言的起始……………………………………………..7 (一)韩流兴起的过程…………………………………………..7 (二)韩流形成的产业链………………………………………..9 (三)韩星代言的良好开端:TCL与金喜善的合作……………11 二、品牌与代言韩星的分析…………………………………….13 (一)品牌与韩星的关联………………………………………..14 (二)韩星代言多个品牌现象…………………………………..16 (三)中、日、韩三国明星DC代言情况…………………………17 三、品牌与代言韩星之间的互动………………………………..19 (一)名人效应推动品牌的推广………………………………..19 (二)品牌广告塑造出明星……………………………………..20 四、韩星代言广告还能走多久?……………………………….21 韩星——偶像的魅力…………………………………..21 韩星广告与文化选择…………………………………..21 五、名人广告的潜在问题………………………………………..22(一)明星的力量:名人作为传播的信息源……………………22(二)名人广告潜在的若干问题……………………………….23(三)有策略地使用名人作广告………………………………..24 六、总结…………………………………………………………..25 注释………………………………………………………………26参考文献…………………………………………………………27致谢………………………………………………………………28ABSTRACT The Korean Wave has influenced Chinese life for about ten years. In these ten years, the development point of the Korean Wave has rapidly changed from entertainment industry to cultural industry. Then the enterprises of South Korea come to China for commercial chances. In recent years, the frequent economic and trade exchanges between China and South Korea gradually forms an “Economic and Trade of the Korea Wave” phenomenon. Many Korean stars as the spokesmen for the brand of South Korea, China, Japan and USA, they show the fashion, beautiful, health and dashing appearance to the public in the advertisements, so this becomes a bright spot of many advocacy activities. The relationship between these spokesmen and the brands in the back of the Republic is close. Through the activities, the image of the enterprises upgraded to the Publics and the products are promoted smoothly. It is still worthwhile that enterprises are in the total effective marketing although the high costs for the Stars. In this paper, it starts with the development of the Korean, and describes the influence and background o


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