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院 别 经贸学院 专业名称 班级学号 学生姓名 指导教师
2015年 月 日
摘 要
there are many problems in traditional Secondary transactions market. In the transaction process exists many even bargain, there exists great defective merchandise can also be seen as high-quality products and customer transactions, after the completion of the transaction, the customer occurred late in the process in the use of the problem is that no one to bear the consequences. It also makes many customers did not dare to buy second-hand goods which led to hoarding and waste of resources of quality second-hand goods. The second is in the traditional Secondary transactions market, information second-hand goods only in the same city, hometown of the small region of dissemination and access. The seller hands secondhand goods will not be easy to transfer even sells do not go out, but to buy a commodity people due to the lack of sources of information it is difficult to find suitable second-hand goods to buy. There is a big obstacle to trade. With the growing development of e-commerce and mobile communications, second-hand transactions can have a better space to play on the internet. Compared to traditional second-hand trading, online secondary trading compared with the traditional business model is more convenient, and good real-time performance, rich information resources, more buyers and sellers trust. The mobile communication and Internet new second-hand transaction mode of the organic combination of second-hand transactions will become secondary means of transaction model.
In this paper, the online Secondary transactions convenience and high efficiency, rich information resources characteristics and high performance price ratio and portable mobile terminal with the combination of the advantages of. To design a suit of todays electronic commerce pattern characteristic software.
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